
港股异动 | 海尔智家(06690)涨超8%领涨家电股 机构称市场对关税过度悲观 白电产业链有望量价齐升

Hong Kong stock market anomaly | Haier Smarthome (06690) rose more than 8%, leading the way in home appliances stocks. Institutions believe the market is overly pessimistic about tariffs, and there is hope for a simultaneous rise in volume and price in th

Zhitong Finance ·  Aug 30 14:13

Today, the home appliances sector saw a general rise. As of the time of writing, Haier Smarthome (06690) increased by 7.93% to HKD 24.5; Hisense Ha (00921) increased by 6.7% to HKD 20.6; Vesync (02148) increased by 2.39% to HKD 4.29; Skyworth Group (00751) increased by 0.69% to HKD 2.91.

According to the Zhitong Finance APP, the home appliances sector saw a general rise today. As of the time of writing, Haier Smarthome (06690) increased by 7.93% to HKD 24.5; Hisense Ha (00921) increased by 6.7% to HKD 20.6; Vesync (02148) increased by 2.39% to HKD 4.29; Skyworth Group (00751) increased by 0.69% to HKD 2.91.

Huachuang Securities pointed out that excessive pessimism about tariffs has highlighted the value of the home appliances export chain. The firm noted that it is difficult for the American market to separate from the supply chain in China. The American home appliances industry is negligible, and local production in the United States is not very efficient. The transmission of value is concentrated among a few major players, and the actual impact on business in the United States is limited. In addition, the significant growth potential in emerging regions guarantees the industry's growth, making the home appliances export industry particularly advantageous. Leading companies in the export chain of home appliances are highly valued.

Shenwan Hongyuan Securities expressed that the real estate policy has made a major reversal, while the white goods sector has both the attributes of low valuation, high dividends, and stable growth. The stock prices have a high safety margin and great elasticity. In the short term, the slightly slower growth rate of white goods installations does not change the investment value of the industry. The policy of replacing old appliances with new ones and the upcoming peak season for air conditioner sales are expected to catalyze the industry. According to industry online data, the export production in July to September continues to grow rapidly at +37%, +26%, and +16%, respectively. Additionally, the short-term rise in copper prices has fueled optimistic sentiment in the distribution channel. The white goods industry chain is expected to continue to perform well in terms of quantity and price.

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