
港股异动 | 世茂服务(00873)现涨近6% 上半年纯利同比增长18.9% 公司项目类型结构合理

Hong Kong stocks change | Shimao Services (00873) is now up nearly 6%, with a year-on-year increase in net profit of 18.9% in the first half. The company's project type structure is reasonable.

Zhitong Finance ·  Aug 30 11:38

Shimao Services (00873) is now up nearly 6%, as of the time of release, up 5.88% to HKD 0.72.

According to the Smart Financial News app, Shimao Services (00873) is now up nearly 6%, as of the time of release, up 5.88% to HKD 0.72.

On the news side, Shimao Services recently released its interim performance, with an income of 4.032 billion yuan; the company's equity holders' share of profits is 0.184 billion yuan, an 18.9% year-on-year increase. The announcement shows that the income from property management services in the first half of the year was 2.761 billion yuan, a 5.7% year-on-year increase. As of the first half of 2024, the proportion of residential properties in the managed project portfolio was 58.5%, and the project type structure was reasonable.

It is worth noting that in the first half of the year, the company added a total of 36 projects with annual saturated income exceeding 5 million yuan, and more than ten large projects with income exceeding 10 million. It also acquired various high-quality projects in Wuzhishan Yijing Mountain City, the National Convention and Exhibition Center (Tianjin) office building, Guizhou branch of China Mobile, Guotou Power Plant, and others.

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