
大行评级|花旗:上调美团目标价至155港元 重申“买入”评级

Major bank rating | Citigroup: Raises Meituan's target price to HK$155, reiterates "buy" rating

Gelonghui Finance ·  Aug 30 10:59  · Ratings

Citi's research report on August 30th pointed out that Meituan's second-quarter revenue and adjusted net profit exceeded the expectations of the bank and the market. Through quickly adapting to changes in consumer behavior and continuously innovating its product offerings, the company has successfully attracted consumers to increase their order frequency and willingness to spend, thereby helping merchants increase their revenue opportunities. Citi believes that looking ahead to the third and fourth quarters, profit growth may outpace the growth of revenue and Gross Transaction Value (GTV) due to product innovation, subsidies, and cost improvements. The bank also stated that with the acceleration of share buybacks, earnings per share will improve better than adjusted earnings. The bank reiterates its "buy" rating on the company, raising the target price from HKD 140 to HKD 155, due to its solid execution and resilient growth.

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