
飞达控股(01100):Difuzed B.V.与Sunset OG B.V.就荷兰一处物业订立租赁协议

Mainlaind hold (01100): Difuzed B.V. and Sunset OG B.V. have entered into a lease agreement for a property in the Netherlands.

Zhitong Finance ·  Aug 29, 2024 05:28

Mainland Hold (01100) announced that the seller, Sunset OG B.V., and the buyer, the wholly-owned subsidiary, Zhuoqi Company Limited, completed the acquisition on August 23, 2024.

According to the agreement, the target company, Difuzed B.V., and the seller have entered into a new lease agreement for the property on August 23, 2024. The details of the agreement are as follows:

The property is a commercial complex located at Molenwerf 24, 1911 DB, Uitgeest, the Netherlands. It includes office space, exhibition space, warehouses, transportation space with parking spaces, as well as adjacent and related land.

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