
大行评级|麦格理:上调比亚迪目标价至320港元 上调2024及25财年每股盈测

Major bank rating | Macquarie: Raised BYD's target price to HKD 320, raised earnings forecast per share for fiscal years 2024 and 2025.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Aug 29 12:35  · Ratings

On August 29th, Guolonghui released a research report stating that BYD's adjusted net profit for the first half of the year exceeded the bank's and market's forecast by 31% and 88%, respectively. The bank expects that the group's gross margin will stabilize, and the operating expense ratio will decrease in the second half of the year as the scale expands, which should be able to support the net income for the rest of this year. The bank has raised its EPS forecast for the group for fiscal years 2024 and 2025 by 7% and 2% respectively, and raised the target price from HKD 300 to HKD 320 with a "outperform" rating.

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