
大行评级|海通国际:下调港交所目标价至316.8港元 维持“优于大市”评级

Major bank rating | haitong int'l: Downgrade Hong Kong Exchange target price to HKD 316.8, maintain "outperform" rating.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Aug 27 16:38  · Ratings

On August 27th, Haitong Int'l released a report, lowering its revenue and net profit forecast for Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited from this year to 2026, with revenue forecasts for the next 3 years being 22.3 billion, 24.1 billion, and 25.6 billion Hong Kong dollars, respectively, down by 0.5 billion to 0.6 billion Hong Kong dollars from the original forecasts; and net profit forecasts for the same period are 12.6 billion, 13.6 billion, and 14.2 billion Hong Kong dollars, down by 0.6 billion to 0.7 billion Hong Kong dollars from the original forecasts. The bank lowered the target price for the Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited by 5%, from 333.4 Hong Kong dollars to 316.8 Hong Kong dollars, corresponding to a forecast PE ratio of 31.9 times, maintaining an "outperformed market" investment rating.

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