According to Zhuochuang News, the overall price of live pigs has been rising this year. Factors such as tight supply, normalization of secondary fattening, and tight supply of large fattened pigs in the south are all reasons for the increase in pig prices. However, due to the normalization of secondary fattening, the supply of pigs may deviate, and the current supply is even more limited than expected, and the peak pig price may come earlier. In the short term, the supply of live pigs may increase briefly in late August, and the prices may fall. In order to ensure that some empty pens are left for secondary fattening before the winter solstice and before the Chinese New Year, some secondary fattened pigs may be slaughtered in September, increasing the supply of live pigs, and the prices may slightly decline.
生猪供应后置、价格高点前置 二育等行为或已影响下半年行情
The behavior of delayed pig supply and front-loaded high prices, as well as other factors such as secondary breeding, may have affected the market in the second half of the year.
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