

Piala, Sansan, Mitsuhoshi, etc.

Fisco Japan ·  Aug 26 14:18

<3099> Mitsukoshi Isetan 2177.5 -150

The sharp decline continued. The decline in automobile stocks etc. is also conspicuous due to the appreciation of the yen, but it seems that there is a trend where a sense of caution about the future is intensifying in inbound-related sectors such as the company. Duty-free sales for the first half of August by this company etc. have also reached a lower level compared to July, and it has been pointed out that there is a possibility that negative effects of the appreciation of the yen have also come out. We are in a situation where people are aware that future business performance will slow down due to the further appreciation of the yen.

<9603> H.I.S. 1865 +114

A significant increase continued, with no change from the previous day in between. It seems that Japanese demand for overseas travel is expected to increase against the backdrop of the appreciation of the yen in the exchange market. In addition to the company, travel agencies such as Open Door and Airtri are also expensive. Furthermore, purchases of other stocks that benefit from the appreciation of yen are also generally dominant, and NITORI HD, Kobe Bussan, Celia, Workman, etc. are also rising, which are related representatives.

<4443> Sansan 2454 +193

Significant continuous growth and high price updates. Today, in addition to the company, many small to medium growth stocks such as SHIFT, Gifty, JMDC, and Raksul are listed at the top of the growth rate. Long-term US interest rates have declined in response to Fed Chairman Powell's speech at the Jackson Hole meeting, which seems to have led to a sense of security in buying growth stocks. Also, since yen appreciation is progressing in the exchange market, domestic demand growth stocks, which have little influence on exchange, are becoming popular.

<7003> Mitsui E&S 1223 + 86

Continued growth. It has been reported as a business opportunity in Japan due to special demand for US cranes, and it seems that interest as a related brand is also growing. In the port crane industry, the market share of Chinese products is increasing worldwide, but security concerns have arisen, and the US administration has decided to invest in port infrastructure on the scale of 3 trillion yen, keeping in mind the eviction of Chinese products. This is the first time in 35 years that the company has handled port cranes in the US, and CFO comments have also been conveyed that multiple projects have already been carried out.

<1813> Fudo Tetra 2509 +169

Significant continued growth. Ichiyoshi Securities raised the rating from “B” to “A,” and the fair value continues to be 3100 yen. It seems that the reason behind the increase is that stock price adjustments have progressed in response to the end period of earnings. The volume of orders received for ground improvement projects is going well, and it is expected that it will become a support material for breaking through the border period. For the fiscal year ending 25/3, only sales forecasts were revised downward, and operating profit is expected to be 3.7 billion yen, which exceeds the company plan of 3 billion yen, and an increase of 39.3% from the previous fiscal year.

<8227> Shimamura 7933 +261

Massive backlash. Monthly trends for August were announced last weekend. Existing store sales increased 5.5% from the same month last year, showing positive growth for 10 consecutive months. In addition to the same 2.3% increase in the number of customers, the customer unit price also increased by 3.3%. High temperatures were also a tailwind, and it seems that sales of practical products such as outerwear, fashion accessories, and underwear increased. On a basis excluding the effects of the day of the week, the situation seems to expand further, with a 6.2% increase from the previous month's negative.

<5820> Samsung 1100 +84

Significant continuous growth. A sales and technical business partnership with China's Weiteng Electric was announced, and it was viewed as a purchase material. A cooperation agreement for a strategic comprehensive business alliance was concluded with Weiteng Electric on 6/25, and it seems that an agreement on a partnership has now been reached. Weiteng Electric has strengths in the comprehensive photovoltaic power generation equipment business that the company aims to develop as one of its main businesses in the future, and will partner in sales fields such as market research, channel expansion, proxy sales, market development, etc., and technical fields such as high-quality cable processing.

<7044> Piara 420 +80

The stop is high. A business alliance with Clan Entertainment, an entertainment company specializing in influencers, starting with VTuber, has been announced. It seems that efforts aimed at expanding the VTuber and live commerce markets will be strengthened by building an environment where it is possible to tie up with about 2000 VTubers, including the company. Expectations are taking precedence as something leading to the company's V-tuber business expansion.

<7261> Mazda 1191.5 -41.5

A sharp decline. In response to the appreciation of the yen in the exchange market, the decline in automobile stocks such as the company is conspicuous today. At the Jackson Hole meeting last weekend, Federal Reserve Chairman Powell suggested interest rate cuts in September, and the decline in long-term US interest rates and the depreciation of the dollar and yen are progressing. The dollar/yen exchange rate has declined to 143 yen, and a significant appreciation of the yen has progressed by about 2 yen from last weekend. It is a development where people are aware of the downturn in the current fiscal year's earnings consensus due to the appreciation of the yen.

<7272> 1217 -67.5 from Yamaha

A sharp decline. Stock sales of 37.91 million3300 shares and implementation of sales due to overallotment of 5.68 million6900 shares have been announced. The sellers will be Toyota Motor Corporation, Yamaha, and Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance. The sale price will be determined between 9/2 and 5. It seems to reflect the shareholders' intention to sell. Last week was the daily turnover level of 3-4 million shares, and the view that it will lead to short-term deterioration in supply and demand seems to prevail.

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