

Oricon HD - temporarily trading at the upper limit, upwardly revised the financial estimates for dividends for the September 2024 term.

Fisco Japan ·  Aug 22, 2024 20:54

Oricon HD <2498> temporarily reached the upper limit. After the end of trading yesterday, it was announced that the expected year-end dividend (= annual dividend) for the fiscal year ending September 2024 would be 175 yen, which has become a buying factor. The previous forecast was 100 yen, and the previous period was 100 yen. The company recognizes the long-term stable profit return to shareholders as one of the important management issues, and it is the basic policy to determine the dividend by comprehensively considering the trends of past consolidated performance, the outlook for future consolidated performance, and indicators such as dividend payout ratio, dividend yield, and equity ratio.

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