
許正宇:港府正從聚集更多創新等三方面塑造未來 將培育更多年青金融科技人才

Xu Zhengyu: The Hong Kong government is shaping the future by focusing on three areas, including gathering more innovation and cultivating more young talent in the fintech sector.

AASTOCKS ·  Aug 23, 2024 09:40

Yesterday (22nd), the Commissioner of the Financial Department, Hui Chengyu, stated at the preparatory meeting of the United Nations Future Summit that the Hong Kong government is striving to formulate multiple measures to shape the future in three main directions: more green and sustainable, more innovation, and providing more development opportunities for the younger generation.

Hui Chengyu further elaborated on how Hong Kong can contribute to a sustainable future through different advantages, including introducing funds, assets, and wealth management for sustainable development projects, aligning sustainable disclosure with the international financial reporting standards, providing a vibrant ecosystem for fintech companies, and nurturing more young fintech talents.

Hui Chengyu also pointed out that as the country moves towards building a modern, strong nation, it provides huge development opportunities for Hong Kong. In the future, the Hong Kong government will continue to actively contribute to the high-quality development of the country by leveraging Hong Kong's unique positioning and superior functions. (js/k)


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