
民银资本(01141)发盈喜 预期上半年业绩同比扭亏为盈至约7000万-9000万港元

CMBC Capital (01141) announces a joyful profit, expecting to turn around from a loss to a profit of approximately 70 million-90 million Hong Kong dollars in the first half of the year.

Zhitong Finance ·  Aug 22, 2024 22:04

CMBC Capital (01141) announced that the group expects to achieve a consolidated net income of approximately 70 million in the first half of 2024...

CMBC Capital (01141) announced that the group expects to achieve a consolidated net income of approximately 70 million to 90 million Hong Kong dollars in the first half of 2024, compared to a net loss of 0.251 billion Hong Kong dollars in the same period of 2023.

The board of directors believes that the main reason for the turnaround from loss to profit is the significant reduction in expected credit losses and the significant increase in the fair value of the group's bond investments during the relevant period. The growth in the fair value of the group's investment projects includes an unrealized gain of approximately 0.109 billion Hong Kong dollars from a private equity investment, and the unrealized gain from this investment is affected by the stock price of the investment symbol, and the subsequent performance of the stock price during the relevant period depends on various factors, thus having uncertainty.

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