
业务拓展受影响 超图软件上半年净利降超三成 公司对低空市场“很乐观”|财报解读

The business expansion is affected. Beijing Supermap Software's net profit in the first half of the year has decreased by more than 30%. The company is "very optimistic" about the low-altitude market. | Interpretation of financial report ·  Aug 21 21:01

In the first half of this year, SuperMap Software achieved revenue of 0.637 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 7.76%, and net income attributable to the parent of 0.034 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 35.99%; The company attributed the decline in performance to the impact of the macro environment and the progress of business expansion, with a higher proportion of revenue in the second half of the year; The company previously announced a collaboration with Sichuan Jiuzhou Investment Holdings Group Co., Ltd., expressing optimism about the low-altitude market.

On August 21, Caisheng News (Reporter Wu Xin) In the first half of this year, the two popular concepts of low-altitude economy and intelligent networked vehicles constantly stirred the market, and SuperMap Software (300036.SZ), which has laid out in the field of geographic information software and spatial intelligence, caught the market trend. However, the impact of the two positive developments on the company's performance has not yet been reflected in the financial reports, perhaps it still depends on the company's performance in the second half of the year.

The financial report shows that in the first half of the year, SuperMap Software achieved revenue of 0.637 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 7.76%, and net income attributable to the parent of 0.034 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 35.99%.

The company explained that the main reasons were the lack of significant improvement in the macro environment, overall government financial tightening, in addition, the company's organizational restructuring was in the integration stage, to some extent affecting the company's business expansion and project implementation.

However, looking back at SuperMap Software's historical performance in recent years, revenue and net profit in the second half of the year far exceeded the first half, with a higher proportion of the annual revenue. For example, in 2023, its revenue in the first half of the year was 0.691 billion yuan, and in the second half of the year it was 1.288 billion yuan.

SuperMap Software stated that "the users of the company's geographic information system products and services are mostly government departments or enterprises, clients generally plan procurement budgets in the first half of the year, issue tender notices; formal procurement contracts are usually signed in the second half of the year, so the company's business contracts are mainly concentrated in the second half of the year."

Market analysis believes that the low-altitude economy may bring additional business volume to SuperMap Software, and it is expected that the company will achieve revenue of around 2.3 billion yuan this year. Although its revenue is uneven in the first and second half of the year, it is not easy to achieve the aforementioned target.

Caisheng News reporters learned that SuperMap Software, with its spatial intelligence software technology, has expanded its layout in low-altitude AI monitoring, low-altitude economic data operation, and low-altitude airspace management. On July 29, the company announced that it had signed a "Strategic Cooperation Agreement" with Sichuan Jiuzhou Investment Holdings Group Co., Ltd., the latter established the only domestic National Air Traffic Control Surveillance and Communication System Engineering Technology Research Center.

According to the relevant announcement, the cooperation between the two parties mainly focuses on the development and project construction of low-altitude control systems, digital city construction, the "Beidou+" related fields, and digital elements.

Regarding when results can be seen in the cooperation in the low-altitude economy field mentioned above, SuperMap Software responded to investors, "The cooperation between the two parties has been substantially carried out. We are very optimistic about the low-altitude market. From the current perspective, all participants in the low-altitude industry have a common need for spatiotemporal geographic information base, which is also not extensively involved in their original domains. Therefore, many manufacturers similar to Jiuzhou Electric and other drone manufacturers are actively communicating with us."

It is worth noting that as autonomous driving technology gradually matures, the integration speed of V2X is accelerating, and the demand for the application of navigation geographic information technology is also increasing. Previously, the Ministry of Natural Resources issued a notice on strengthening the management of geographic information security for intelligent connected vehicles, clearly stating that activities such as collecting, storing, transmitting, processing, and map production of geographic information data for intelligent connected vehicles should be undertaken by units with surveying qualifications.

SuperMap Software publicly responded that the company is a Class A surveying qualification unit, capable of collecting and producing geographic information data, map compilation, internet map services, etc.

The translation is provided by third-party software.

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