
《盈警》瑞港建設(06816.HK)收入下跌 料半年稅前虧損不少於6,000萬元

The revenue of Prosper Cons (06816.HK) in "Profit Warning" has declined, and it is expected to have a pre-tax loss of no less than 60 million yuan in the first half of the year.

AASTOCKS ·  Aug 20, 2024 01:16

Prosper Cons (06816.HK) issued a profit warning, expecting a pre-tax loss of no less than 60 million yuan for the six months up to June, compared with a recorded loss of 43 million yuan in the same period last year. The increase in losses is mainly due to the completion of some general construction projects and fewer new projects due to the downturn in the real estate market, resulting in a decrease in revenue of over 35%; a decline in income of over 60% in maritime engineering business due to the lack of larger projects; and an increase in financial costs of about 10 million yuan.

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