
国开国际投资(01062)公布中期业绩 净亏损约1.24亿港元 同比扩大约1.58倍

CDB Int'l Inv (01062) has announced its interim results, with a net loss of about HKD 0.124 billion, which has expanded by about 1.58 times year-on-year.

Zhitong Finance ·  Aug 19, 2024 19:16

CDB Int'l Inv (01062) announced its mid-year performance for 2024, with a net loss of approximately HKD 0.124 billion, an increase of about 1.58 times year-on-year...

According to Zhitong Finance APP, CDB Int'l Inv (01062) announced its mid-year performance for 2024, with a net loss of approximately HKD 0.124 billion, an increase of about 1.58 times year-on-year, and a loss per share of 4.28 HK cents.

The announcement stated that the loss was mainly due to the net fair value loss on financial assets recognized in profit or loss of approximately HKD 0.12441 billion (net loss of approximately HKD 53.56 million for the same period in 2023) and general and administrative expenses incurred during this period of approximately HKD 4.06 million (approximately HKD 4.82 million for the same period in 2023)

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