

Emerging market stock digest: Astroscale, Shinbio Pharmaceutical hit the limit.

Fisco Japan ·  Aug 19 14:11

<186A> Astro Scale 934, up by 150.

It is locked up high. Astro Scale, a consolidated subsidiary, announced that it has signed a large contract for commercial debris removal verification (CRD2) Phase II with the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), and it is appreciated. The contract amount is 1.2 billion yen (excluding tax), and the contract period will be until the end of March 29th. The revenue has been priced in for the full year ending in April 2025, but it is expected to be recorded over the contract period. It is the largest order in the Group's history and is positioned as an important mission for further ADR in the future.

<4417> Global Security 5560, up by 170.

It continues to rise. After the close of trading on the 16th, it announced a change in its dividend policy and the implementation of an interim dividend. The dividend forecast for the year ending March 2025 has been changed from a lump sum of 41.71 yen at the end of the period to 20.85 yen for the interim period and 20.86 yen for the end of the period. Although the annual dividend forecast has been kept the same, it has been decided to implement it twice a year in order to further enhance medium- to long-term shareholder value and provide more opportunities for profit distribution to shareholders. The interim dividend is for shareholders registered or recorded in the shareholder list as of September 30, 2025.

<4582> Cinbio Pharma 320, up by 80.

It stopped up high. It announced that it has started a joint international phase Ib/II clinical trial of the injection Brincidovir (IV BCV) for relapsed or refractory lymphoma patients, which is seen as good news. While the National Cancer Center Singapore has been conducting joint research on BCV, its non-clinical trials have confirmed its superior antitumor activity against malignant lymphomas such as NK/T-cell lymphoma and PTCL. The purpose of this trial is to establish a human proof-of-concept (POC) for BCV in the cancer field.

<7683> Double A 2510, up by 375.

Marked increase. After the end of trading on the 16th, they announced that they would expand their shareholder benefits system and their stock splits, which was well received. They announced a stock split of 1 share to 2 shares with August 31 as the base date. The expansion of shareholder benefits includes not only shoes but also bags and shoe care products, and expands the target brand of shareholder benefits from a uniform one for shareholders with one unit (100 shares) or more holdings to 6 units (600 shares) or more holdings after the stock split for Himiko and NICAL.

<4881> Fanpep 149, up by 1.

Significant increase. After the end of trading on the 16th, it was announced that cosmetic products containing the functional peptide "OSK9" from Fanpeppu Healthcare, a consolidated subsidiary, will be launched by Albion under the Kosé umbrella, which is viewed as a favorable development. It is blended in all 7 renewed products in Albion's skincare series "Anfinesse." "Anfinesse" is a high-performance skincare series that combines science and technology and has been developing aging care products such as cleansing, lotion, and beauty serum focused on aging care since 2010.

<7083> AHC Group 1338, up by 32.

Continuing increase. After the end of trading on the 16th, they announced that they would buy back their own shares, which was well received. The total number of shares to be acquired is 30,000 shares (1.43% of the total number of issued shares excluding treasury stock) or a total purchase price of 60,000 thousand yen, with the acquisition period from August 19, 2024, to November 30, 2024. It positions the improvement of capital efficiency and shareholder profit as one of the important management issues and aims to pursue a flexible capital policy that can respond to changes in the business environment.

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