
里昂:维持中银航空租赁(02588)“跑赢大市”评级 目标价上调至78港元

Lyon: Maintains BOC Aviation (02588) "Outperform" rating with target price raised to HKD 78.

Zhitong Finance ·  Aug 19, 2024 13:55  · Ratings

BOC Aviation Leasing recorded a net profit of $0.46 billion in the first half of the year, in the range of profit and joy.

According to the report published by Lyon, ZhongYin Aviation Leasing (02588) maintains the rating of 'outperformance' and raises the target price from HKD 69 to HKD 78. The group recorded a net profit of $0.46 billion in the first half of the year, in the range of profit and joy. Although the management expects delays from original equipment manufacturers (OEM) to continue until 2026, the bank believes that the upcoming interest rate cycle and strong aircraft demand will be catalysts.

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