
新冠药产品实现广泛销售 概念股直逼涨停 本周机构调研多家相关上市公司

COVID-19 drugs are achieving widespread sales, and concept stocks are approaching their limit-up. This week, institutions are conducting research on many related listed companies. ·  Aug 18 21:52

① Huluwa released agency research notes on Wednesday, stating that the COVID-19 drug product pediatric pulmonary fever cough and asthma granules has been widely sold in both the hospital and outside the hospital. The company closed close to rising or stopping on Monday. ② Sort out the industry sectors that organizations are most concerned about this week (attached table), the list of listed companies (attached shares), and the latest research on the COVID-19 drug industry.

Finance Association, August 18 (Editor Xuan Lin) According to Choice statistics, as of today, 81 listed companies in the Shanghai and Shenzhen markets have been surveyed by institutions this week. According to industry classification, the pharmaceutical biology, basic chemical and mechanical equipment industries receive the most frequent research from institutions. Furthermore, the attention paid to industries such as food and beverage and real estate has increased.


In terms of field segments, the computer equipment, medical devices, and general equipment sectors rank among the top three in terms of institutional attention. Furthermore, the attention of organizations in the automotive parts and biological products industry has increased.


In terms of specific listed companies, according to Choice statistics, Huarui Precision received the most surveys, reaching 3 times. According to statistics on the number of visitors received from institutions, 11 companies received surveys from more than 100 institutions this week. Huazue Testing, Hikvision, and Shengmei Shanghai ranked in the top three, with 460, 361, and 239, respectively.


Among the listed companies surveyed this week, the three stocks with the largest capital inflows to the north were Huagong Technology, Yuntianhua, and Jingxin Pharmaceutical, with net purchases of 0.084 billion yuan, 0.064 billion yuan, and 51 billion yuan, respectively.


Looking at market performance, COVID-19 concept stocks have been active this week. Huluwa released agency research notes on Wednesday that the product pediatric pulmonary fever cough and asthma granules, which were included in the “COVID-19 Traditional Chinese Medicine Prevention and Control Plan” by Shandong, Henan, Sichuan and other provinces, have achieved widespread sales in both in-hospital and out-of-hospital markets. In 2023, pediatric pulmonary fever cough and asthma granules will account for about 60% of the overall sales of this product in the hospital market; at the same time, the OTC market outside the hospital has also completed the coverage of major pharmacy chains across the country, and will continue to grow as the in-hospital market grows.

In the secondary market, Huluwa closed up 9.9% on Monday.


Wanfu Biotech released agency research notes on Thursday, saying that the company obtained FDA EUA approval for the COVID-19 influenza triple test product in April. The company is actively expanding for different channels. The first is offline pharmacy chains and supermarkets, the second is POC's in-hospital market, the third is a government order channel, and the fourth is an e-commerce platform. Currently, the US has not reached a stage of high incidence of respiratory infections, and various channel manufacturers are also in discussions. E-commerce platforms in the US are mainly based on the Amazon platform, and the company's products have also been officially listed on Amazon.

In addition, the diet drug concept stock Shengnuo Biotech released agency research minutes on Monday stating that the company's simeglutide API has been registered by the US FDA. The company's production model has always been based on independent production. Production plans are formulated using “sales to determine production”. In the future, it will rationally formulate production plans for each workshop and coordinate and supervise the completion of production plans according to the market demand situation of related products and combined with production plans. In the secondary market, Shengnuo Biotech closed up more than 10% on Thursday.


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