Kos Intl. (08042) released an announcement that the group is expected to achieve...
As per the announcement by Kos Intl. (08042) on the Smart Finance app, the group is expected to incur a net loss of approximately 2.5 million Hong Kong dollars for the six months ending June 30, 2024, while the corresponding period in 2023 recorded a net profit of approximately 1.1 million Hong Kong dollars.
The net loss incurred during the period in contrast to the net profit recorded during the corresponding period in 2023 is mainly due to the decrease in income from recruitment services in Hong Kong. The decrease was affected by the sluggish market, as job seekers tend to stay in their current positions in an unstable economic environment, leading to a decrease in new hires. Additionally, clients emphasize not only the technical abilities of job seekers but also their soft skills, leading to a prolonged recruitment process. Despite facing challenges in its Hong Kong recruitment services, the group has partially mitigated the impact by increasing income from deployed and paid support services and recruitment services in Singapore, demonstrating its ability to overcome difficulties based on diversified revenues. The group will continue to focus on sustained business growth and achieve success.