

ST Youshu (300209.SZ) plans to sign a mutual debt financing agreement with Peking Jiu Rong.

Zhitong Finance ·  Aug 15, 2024 20:15

ST Youshu (300209.SZ) released an announcement to better realize the value preservation and appreciation of the company's assets, maintain the operation of the core business...

Zhitan Finance APP News, ST Youshu (300209.SZ) released an announcement to better realize the value preservation and appreciation of the company's assets, maintain the normal operation of the core business, maximize the protection of the interests of all creditors, and the company intends to sign a "common benefit debt financing agreement" with Beijing JiuRong Consulting Co., Ltd. (Limited Partnership) (referred to as "Beijing JiuRong") during the pre-restructuring period. Beijing JiuRong will provide the company with a shared debt loan of no more than 50 million yuan (including the principal).

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