

Daily update on the real estate industry (August 15, 2024)

Golden10 Data ·  Aug 15 15:36

Mini Program: Daily Real Estate Industry News Summary.

National Bureau of Statistics: The sales price of commodity residences in July decreased slightly from the previous month.

According to the statistics from the National Bureau of Statistics, in July 2024, the selling prices of residential commodities decreased month-on-month and the overall year-on-year decline widened slightly. However, the year-on-year decline in the selling prices of second-hand residential properties in first-tier cities continued to narrow.

National Bureau of Statistics: From January to July, the sales area of newly constructed commodity residences was 541.49 million square meters, a year-on-year decrease of 18.6%.

According to data from the National Bureau of Statistics, from January to July, the sales area of newly-built residential properties decreased by 18.6% year-on-year to 541.49 million square meters, with a 21.1% drop in the sales area of residences. The sales revenue of newly-built commercial buildings was 5333 billion yuan, down by 24.3%, including a 25.9% drop in the sales revenue of residences. At the end of July, the waiting area for commercial properties was 739.26 million square meters, up by 14.5% year-on-year. In which, the waiting area for residences increased by 22.5%.

Real estate companies raised 25.7 billion yuan in domestic bond issuance for July financing, and Anju Group and Zhangjiang Hi-Tech are among the top issuers.

Statistics on the issuance of domestic and overseas bonds by domestic real estate development companies in July 2024 show that the total amount of domestic credit bonds issued by domestic real estate development companies in July was 25.728 billion yuan, up 22.7% month-on-month and down 53.93% year-on-year; the average face value interest rate at the time of issuance was 2.5%, down 0.13 percentage points month-on-month and 0.89 percentage points year-on-year. Among them, Anju Group and Shanghai Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park Development issued the most credit bonds, each with an amount of 2.8 billion yuan. Domestic real estate development companies issued six overseas bonds in July, four of which were offshore RMB bonds. (Xinhua Finance)

The interest rate for first-time homebuyers in Guangzhou has dropped to 2.9%.

The interest rate for first-time homebuyers in some banks in Guangzhou has dropped to 2.9%, which is close to the 2.85% interest rate for provident fund loans. The interest rates for first-time homebuyers in foreign banks have been cut again, with the interest rates for first-time homebuyers in HSBC and Standard Chartered Bank reduced to below 3%. Among them, the interest rate for first-time homebuyers in HSBC is the lowest, up to 2.9%, while the interest rates for first-time homebuyers in Standard Chartered Bank and Guangzhou Bank are 2.95%, depending on the customer's qualifications and loan amount applied. "The mortgage lending strategies of foreign banks are more flexible, and the bank team will adjust the mortgage interest rate according to changes in the Guangzhou market business." A foreign bank business manager said. (Securities Daily)

In July, there were signs of bottoming out in the second-hand housing market in Beijing.

According to the "July 2024 Top 10 City Second-hand Housing Price Map" released by Zhongzhi Research Institute, the price of second-hand residential housing in Beijing fell by 0.87% month-on-month in July, a decrease of 0.03 percentage points compared to June, indicating a gradual bottoming out. In terms of transactions, the new policy continues to promote the entry of target customers, with 15,575 second-hand residential transactions in Beijing in July, a year-on-year increase of 3.9% and 60.3%, respectively.

Buy a house and get a plane? The property responded: If you don't choose to buy a house and get a plane, you can directly deduct 200,000 yuan from the house price. On August 14, the news of "buying a house and giving a plane" was all over the friends circle. The reporter learned that the source of this news was a notice issued by China Merchants Shekou Nanjing Company on WeChat public account. The announcement shows that the China Merchants Center · Zhenjing project launched a 200,000 yuan airplane gift package, which includes a pilot's license, 100 hours of total flight time (10 hours per year), and 5% ownership of a private plane. Today, the project sales staff told reporters: "This activity started in early August. If you choose not to buy a house and get a plane, you can directly deduct 200,000 yuan from the house price. Basically, nobody chooses the right to buy a house and get a plane, and most people still choose to deduct the house price directly." According to the project sales staff, there are more than 1,700 sets of housing in the entire project, which will be launched in August 2022. There are still more than 100 sets left. The buy-a-house-and-send-a-plane activity was launched in early August and is aimed at a four-room project of 143 square meters. The reporter learned in the interview that many sources of the project are in the current house status, and some of the sources that participate in the buy-a-house-and-send-a-plane activity are still under construction, and some are in the current house status. (China Securities Journal)

Before the end of this year, the purchase of new houses in Donghu District of Nanchang can enjoy a purchase subsidy of up to 12,000 yuan per unit.

Shangqiu, Henan, publicly solicits completed inventory commodity houses for use as guaranteed housing for allocation.

The housing and urban-rural construction bureau of Shangqiu City, Henan Province issued a notice recently, soliciting completed inventory commodity houses for use as allocated guaranteed housing sources. The collected sources of housing should meet the following conditions: unsold commodity housing that has been completed, projects with complete "four certificates" and basic conditions for delivery and use of the property; the single housing construction area should not exceed 120 square meters in principle; the purchase price is calculated based on the reference maximum guaranteed housing reset price of the same location, which is the cost of allocated land + construction and installation cost + a profit of no more than 5%; adhere to the principle of voluntariness, the development enterprise decides whether to sell commodity houses based on its own capital needs, purchase prices, etc.

Wuxi has launched the "old for new" mode of commodity housing and real estate experts believe that "it is conducive to revitalizing the first and second-hand housing markets in the region".

On August 13, according to the WeChat public account of the Jiangxi Real Estate Industry Association, in accordance with the document of Nanchang City's "Several Policy Measures to Promote the Stable and Healthy Development of the Real Estate Market in Our City", further promoting the sales promotion of real estate projects in Donghu District to reduce inventory, through a series of promotional measures, enhancing residents' willingness to buy houses, promoting the benign cycle of the real estate market, and driving consumption of autos, supermarkets, building materials, etc., a promotional activity was launched. According to the activity, during the event, if you buy a single unit of newly-built commodity housing with a construction area not exceeding 100 square meters (including 100 square meters), you can enjoy a purchase subsidy of 10,000 yuan per set (government's 5,000 yuan of subsidy consumption vouchers, real estate enterprise's 5,000 yuan of subsidy vouchers); if you buy a single unit of newly built commodity housing with a construction area of more than 100 square meters, you can enjoy a purchase subsidy of 12,000 yuan per set (government's 6,000 yuan of subsidy consumption vouchers, real estate enterprise's 6,000 yuan of subsidy vouchers).

Institutions: Signs of bottoming out in the second-hand housing market in Beijing gradually emerged in July.

Anhui Luan: Supports real estate enterprises to obtain financing by signing contracts and registering online for pledged old property.

The effects of the new real estate policies are gradually emerging, and the short-term new housing market is expected to continue to bottom out.

Multiple institutions monitoring data show that since the new real estate policies, there have been improvements in the real estate market of key cities. CCRE data shows that since the "517 Policy," the second-hand housing market in key cities has continued the trend of "exchange in volume for price," with the trade volume maintained at a certain scale. In July, the trading volume of second-hand houses in Beijing and Chengdu reached a new monthly high in nearly a year. Experts predict that the new real estate policies have been implemented for almost three months, and whether the second-hand housing market in August can continue high trading remains to be seen. Short-term new home market is expected to remain at a bottoming out situation. "Although July is a traditional off-season for sales, the transaction of second-hand houses in some cities has picked up, indicating that the demand brought by the new policies is still being released." said Xu Yuejin, deputy director of the CCRE research institute.

Anhui Liu'an: Supports real estate enterprises to obtain financing by signing contracts and registering online for pledged old property.

According to the website of the People's Government of Lu'an City in Anhui Province, Lu'an City will solicit public opinions on the draft of "Several Policies to Promote the Stable and Healthy Development of the Real Estate Market". The draft involves aspects such as subsidies for home purchase, deed tax subsidies, talent subsidies, trade-in, and admission policies for presold houses. The opinions mentioned that doctoral students (including doctoral degrees), master students (including master degrees), undergraduates, graduates of vocational colleges, and graduates of secondary vocational schools and technical colleges who purchase new commercial residential buildings in the urban area of the city will receive one-time home purchase subsidies of 200,000 yuan, 100,000 yuan, 60,000 yuan, 40,000 yuan, and 30,000 yuan respectively. Support real estate companies to use "construction in exchange for residence" to sign online contracts and finance through realizing transactions. For projects that have obtained the "Pre-sale License for Commercial Housing", the development enterprises can directly sign relevant property pre-sale contracts and agreements with construction companies, material suppliers, etc. for the goods (i.e. "construction in exchange for residence") paid by the developer to the construction enterprise, material supplier, etc., and then register them on the property pre-sale registration platform.

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