Giordano Int'l (00709.HK) fell 1.91% in half a day; the company announced its interim performance at noon, with a dividend cut of nearly 53% in the first half of the year, and the stock price fell further in the afternoon, now reported at HKD1.5, down 4.46%, with a turnover of 1.114 million shares and involved a capital of HKD1.7042 million.
The company's revenue in the first half of the year was CNY1.903 billion, which decreased by 3.4% due to the exchange rates; the revenue remained flat year-on-year based on fixed exchange rates. The net profit was CNY0.12 billion, a 36.8% decrease year-on-year; earnings per share were 7.4 cents. The company declared a mid-year dividend of 8 cents per share, a nearly 53% decline compared to the same period last year.