
花旗:重申电能实业(00006)“买入”评级 目标价上调至61港元

Citi reiterates its "buy" rating on Power Assets (00006) and raises the target price to HKD 61.

Zhitong Finance ·  Aug 15, 2024 10:55  · Ratings

Citigroup has increased its net income forecast for Power Assets for the fiscal years 2024 to 2026 by 1.2% to 2%.

According to the Zhitong Finance app, Citigroup released a research report stating that it has reiterated the 'buy' rating for Power Assets (00006) and raised the target price from HKD 60 to HKD 61.

The report stated that the company's net income for the first half of this year basically met the expected increase of 2% year-on-year. The bank said that mergers and acquisitions can increase its additional profits, so it has increased its net income forecast for the fiscal years 2024 to 2026 by 1.2% to 2%. More merger opportunities may result in a possible increase of HKD 0.624 billion or 9.6% in Power Assets' net income in fiscal year 2025.

Citigroup believes that the Fed's interest rate cut will trigger a reevaluation of Power Assets' stocks. If US Treasury yields fall to 3%, Power Assets' stock price will rise by 13% based on historical trends. The bank also pointed out that Power Assets' P/E ratio of 18.4 times and P/B ratio of 1.3 times for fiscal year 2024 and a yield of 5.1% still appear to be undervalued.

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