

Major sudden incident in Japan! Fumio Kishida will resign as Prime Minister, who will replace him?

券商中國 ·  Aug 14 10:46

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This morning, according to the latest report from the Japan Broadcasting Association quoted by CCTV news, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida told party insiders that he planned to give up participating in the Liberal Democratic Party's presidential election to be held in September. This means that after a new president of the Liberal Democratic Party is elected, Fumio Kishida will resign as prime minister. The opinion poll results released by Japanese television on August 4th showed that 70% of Japanese citizens hope that Kishida will step down.

Fumio Kishida was elected as the 27th president of the Liberal Democratic Party in 2021; on October 4th of the same year, he became Japan's 100th prime minister; on November 10th of the same year, he was elected as Japan's 101st prime minister in the prime minister's nomination election in the National Assembly. The ruling Liberal Democratic Party of Japan will hold leadership elections in September of this year. Ishiba Shigeru, a Japanese political figure, has been highly ranked in the popularity polls for the next prime minister. The current foreign minister, Takayo Wakayama, is also highly sought after.

Kishida's decision.

According to the latest report from the Japan Broadcasting Association quoted by CCTV News, Fumio Kishida told party insiders that he planned to give up participating in the Liberal Democratic Party's presidential election to be held in September. This means that after a new president of the Liberal Democratic Party is elected, Fumio Kishida will resign as Japan's prime minister.

According to a domestic public opinion survey released by the Asahi Shimbun on June 17th, the support rate for Prime Minister Fumio Kishida's cabinet is 22%, the lowest since he took office as prime minister; the support rate for the Liberal Democratic Party is 19%, the first time the support rate for the ruling party has fallen below 20%. Looking at past precedents, if the support rates for the Japanese cabinet and the Liberal Democratic Party continue to remain low, it is highly likely that Japan will see another change of power. The opinion poll results released by Japanese television on August 4th showed that 70% of Japanese citizens hope that Kishida will step down.

Regarding domestic policy, the Japanese public generally hopes that Fumio Kishida can effectively promote the development of a virtuous economic cycle and adopt more positive measures to cope with the depreciation of the yen and rising prices, but the cabinet lacks breakthrough and effective policies in these areas. In terms of foreign policy, the cabinet sometimes displays a tough stance and sometimes appears hesitant. On some key foreign policy issues, such as relations with the United States and China, it has failed to demonstrate a clear and strategic plan that is in line with Japan's long-term interests. This diplomatic policy uncertainty has made the public uneasy and worried about Japan's position and interests on the international stage.

Previously, there has been a growing call within the party to "turn against Kishida." Due to the recent defeats of the Liberal Democratic Party led by Kishida in many parliamentary by-elections and local executive elections, and his handling of LDP's political "black funds" failed to form a widespread consensus within the party, causing some within the party to begin to question whether he is qualified to continue as LDP president.

"Who will take the stage?"

As always, the person most widely suggested by the Japanese people as the best candidate for prime minister is Ishiba Shigeru, former secretary-general of the Liberal Democratic Party. However, although he is very popular among the Japanese people, he has been marginalized within the Liberal Democratic Party and has long been in the position of running at the bottom. Ishiba has run for LDP president 4 times. But at present, Ishiba Shigeru also has an opportunity, which is the change in the financial market caused by Japan's central bank raising interest rates.

So, who will succeed Fumio Kishida?

The person who has always been elected by the Japanese people as the "best candidate for prime minister" is former secretary-general of the Liberal Democratic Party, Ishiba Shigeru. However, although he is very popular among the Japanese people, he has been marginalized within the Liberal Democratic Party and has long been in the position of running at the bottom. Ishiba has run for LDP president 4 times. But at present, Ishiba Shigeru also has an opportunity, which is the change in the financial market caused by Japan's central bank raising interest rates.

Ishiba Shigeru is a supporter of Japan's central bank gradually raising interest rates and believes that normalizing monetary policy can lower prices and enhance industrial competitiveness. He believes that the Bank of Japan is on the right policy track and is gradually moving into line with the world of positive interest rates. He said, "The negative effects of interest rate hikes, such as a stock market crash, are currently in focus, but we must recognize their advantages, as higher interest rates can reduce import costs and make industries more competitive." Ishiba Shigeru said that Japan's economy is largely driven by domestic demand, with exports accounting for only one-fifth of its gross domestic product. Although some export-oriented enterprises benefit from the weakness of the yen, there is no doubt that most people will be affected by the rise in prices caused by the weakened currency.

Another highly sought after candidate is the current Foreign Minister, Takayo Wakayama. Takayo Wakayama is efficient in her work. When she was the Minister of Justice, she ordered the execution of 7 death row inmates, including the **** cult leader. She also holds a bachelor's degree from the University of Tokyo and a master's degree from Harvard University. However, Takayo Wakayama is not at an advantaged age.

According to news from Sina Finance, there is also a political rising star: 43-year-old former Minister of the Environment Koizumi Shinjiro. Koizumi Shinjiro is the son of former Japanese Prime Minister Koizumi Junichiro. This young person born in the 80s has studied in the United States and obtained a master's degree in political science from Columbia University. He has also worked at the Strategic and International Studies Institute in the United States and has close relations with the United States. In opinion polls by major Japanese media on “who is the best fit for Japanese prime minister,” Koizumi Shinjiro has always ranked in the top four. However, his father believes he is still too young and has explicitly told him to consider running for LDP president after the age of 50.

From the performance of the Japanese stock market, after the announcement of Kishida's decision, the Japanese stock market rose briefly. But nearing 10:20 Beijing time, Japanese stocks suddenly fell sharply, and the yen also began to appreciate significantly. The market is likely anticipating Ishiba Shigeru’s ascension.

Editor / jayden

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