

Multiple stocks fell limit-down! As of now in the second half of the year, 12 listed companies have announced that the company or related parties have been filed by the CSRC, with popular stocks such as Shanghai Fudan Forward S&T among them. ·  Aug 11 09:41

Tond Chemical, Zhongqingbao, Renzixing, and Shenyang Chemical Industry all announced on Friday evening that they've received a case filing notice from the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC). According to incomplete statistics, a total of 12 A-share listed companies have announced the company or related parties being filed in the second half of this year. The filing notice dealt a blow to multiple stocks and the announcement of Fudan Fuhua, Sunsea AIoT, ST Kop, and Hainan Poly Pharm all saw their prices hit the daily limit down the following day.

On August 11th, ChinaLian news reported that a total of 12 A-share listed companies, including Shenyang Chemical Industry, Zhongqingbao, Tond Chemical, Renzixing, ST Dongshi, Huiyu Pharmaceutical, Fudan Fuhua, Sunsea AIoT, Yongjin Technology Group, Jinfu Technology, ST Kop, and Hainan Poly Pharm have announced that the company or related parties have been filed in the second half of this year. Please refer to the graph for details:


Looking at the performance of the secondary market, the announcement caused the prices of Fudan Fuhua, Sunsea AIoT, ST Kop, and Hainan Poly Pharm to hit the daily limit down, while Yongjin Technology Group closed limit down.

Four A-share listed companies, including Zhongqingbao, the "first stock of online games", received a case filing notice from the CSRC on Friday night on suspicion of illegal information disclosure.

Shanxi's Tond Chemical, whose main business is civilian explosives and non-civilian explosives BDO-PBAT chemical business and power generation business, announced on Friday night that it had recently received a case filing notice from the CSRC because the company is suspected of illegal information disclosure. The China Securities Regulatory Commission has decided to file a case against the company. The company also announced it had received an administrative supervision measure decision from the Shanxi Regulatory Bureau on the same day. After investigation, it was found that the company had violated regulations such as untimely information disclosure and failure to register some inside information. In terms of the secondary market, Tond Chemical's stock price has fallen by a cumulative maximum of 39.47% since its high point on January 4.


Renzixing, which focuses on cybersecurity and data governance in cyberspace, also announced on the same day that the China Securities Regulatory Commission has decided to file a case against the company because it is suspected of illegal information disclosure. According to the company's self-inspection, the reason for the case filing was mainly due to the company's self-discovery that its wholly-owned subsidiary, Beijing Yahongshiji Technology Development Co., Ltd., had multiple asset calculations, multiple income calculations, multiple profit calculations, and other irregularities in the relevant years. The company has actively rectified the situation and made accounting error corrections and retrospective adjustments to the relevant years' financial statements, and has engaged an accounting firm to issue an audit report. In terms of the secondary market, Renzixing's stock price has fallen by a cumulative maximum of over 51% since the beginning of the year.


Zhongqingbao, the "first stock of online games," announced on the same day that the company and actual controller Zhang Yunxia had recently received a case filing notice from the China Securities Regulatory Commission. The company and actual controller Zhang Yunxia have been filed because they are suspected of illegal information disclosure. At present, all production and business activities of the company are being carried out normally. It should be noted that in late July, Zhongqingbao had already been punished by regulatory authorities for violating information disclosure rules. The company's actual controller Zhang Yunxia had been subjected to coercive measures last year but the company concealed this fact for nearly eight months. Only when Zhang Yunxia received the "decision not to prosecute" and "decision to release from bail pending trial" did the relevant information disclosure slowly become available, and the company was subsequently punished by regulatory authorities. In terms of the secondary market, Zhongqingbao's stock price has fallen by a cumulative maximum of nearly 40% since its high point in January.


Shenyang Chemical Industry, which is owned by China Chemical Group and mainly engages in polyether, phenolic resin, acrylic acid, and other businesses, announced on the same day that the China Securities Regulatory Commission has decided to file a case against the company because it is suspected of illegal information disclosure. At present, all production and business activities of the company are being carried out normally. In terms of the secondary market, Shenyang Chemical Industry's stock price has fallen by a cumulative maximum of 50.8% since its high point at the beginning of this year.


This week, A-share listed companies that received the China Securities Regulatory Commission's filing notice include ST Eastern Pioneer Driving School, Huiyu Pharmaceutical and Shanghai Fudan Forward S&T. ST Eastern Pioneer Driving School, which mainly engages in motor vehicle driver training and civil aviation pilot training, announced on August 8th that its actual controller, Xu Xiong, received the "Filing Notice" issued by the China Securities Regulatory Commission on August 7th, 2024 due to suspected violations of information disclosure laws and regulations. Xu Xiong has long served as chairman of ST Eastern Pioneer Driving School and executive director and general manager of Oriental Fashion Investments since 2005. He was approved for arrest in 2023 for suspected securities market manipulation. In fact, ST Eastern Pioneer Driving School has revealed several instances of irregular disclosure of information in the first half of this year, all of which are related to Xu Xiong. Due to failure to timely disclose the frozen shares, the controlling shareholder and actual controller of ST Eastern Pioneer Driving School was warned by the Shanghai Stock Exchange on March 15th. In the secondary market, ST Eastern Pioneer Driving School's stock price has fallen by a cumulative maximum of 83.14% since the phase high point in March.


Huiyu Pharmaceutical, which focuses on research and development, production, and domestic and foreign sales of innovative drugs and high-quality generic drugs in the field of tumor treatment, announced on August 5th that its chairman and general manager Ding Zhao received a filing notice from the China Securities Regulatory Commission for suspected short-term trading of company stocks. This matter is an investigation into Ding Zhao personally and will not have a significant impact on the operation of the company's board of directors and daily business activities. Huiyu Pharmaceutical had disclosed a statement on April 30th regarding the "announcement of short-term trading by directors and senior management members' relatives and an apology." Ding Zhao's mother, Yan Zhao, engaged in short-term trading between August 23rd, 2023 and September 27th, 2023, and all proceeds of 0.1921 million yuan will be turned over to the company. In the secondary market, Huiyu Pharmaceutical's stock price hit an all-time low in early February this year and has fallen a cumulative maximum of 38.74% since the beginning of the year.


In addition, Shanghai Fudan Forward S&T, which mainly engages in software development, biomedical, and technology park industries, announced on August 5th that it was filed due to suspected violations of information disclosure laws and regulations by the China Securities Regulatory Commission. Shanghai Fudan Forward S&T had received an administrative supervision decision from the Shanghai Securities Regulatory Bureau on March 19th. After investigation, the company's behavior from 2013 to 2017, such as concealing debt, false hedging, and improper accounting recognition, resulted in false records in the periodic financial reports disclosed from 2013 to 2023 and violated relevant regulations. In this filing notice, Shanghai Fudan Forward S&T stated that the company's production and operation are currently normal. Looking back over time, Shanghai Fudan Forward S&T's stock price has fallen a cumulative maximum of 53.28% since the beginning of the year.


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