
阿里巴巴发布2020东京奥运新计划: 要让5亿人参与奥运

Alibaba announces new plans for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics: 500 million people will participate in the Olympics

猎云网 ·  Dec 16, 2019 12:39

Original title: BABA released a new plan for the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games: to let 500 million people participate in the Olympic Games

[] report from Beijing on December 16th

How hard do Chinese people work for sports?

Thousands of yuan of skiing and skateboarding equipment, nearly 10,000 elliptical machines and rowing machines are bought without mercy.

According to the 2019 Sports consumption trend report released by Tmall on December 16, Chinese people are becoming more and more fond of sports. BABA's economy alone has gathered 400 million sports enthusiasts who search and buy sports equipment on Taobao Tmall. Watch the game on Youku, book tickets to barley, and embrace life with a positive attitude.

"judging from the sports consumption of Tmall on Taobao, the era of national fitness has come. Tmall will continue to promote the popularization of sports culture and carry forward the spirit of sports. " Liu Bo, general manager of Tmall's operating platform division, said.

Young people in small towns and silver-haired people take the lead in sports consumption

Do you think the person who loves sports most is the post-90s? But maybe they are the ones who hold them back.

Over the past year, consumer spending on sports has been growing, with the Tmall platform alone growing at an annual rate of nearly 40 per cent.

The report shows that silver-haired people (post-50s) in the 23rd and 4th line areas and rural areas have the highest growth rate of sports consumption, with an annual growth rate of 53.3%, which is much higher than the 36.5% of the post-90s generation. They also participate in a variety of sports, in addition to square dance, yoga, fishing, running and other sports are not lack of their figure.


At the same time, women's participation in sports has significantly increased, and their willingness to invest in sports is also increasing. On Tmall, the number of female consumers has exceeded that of men, and the annual consumption has also increased year by year, an increase of 38% over the previous year.

Sports suitable for women are widely welcomed by them. in 2019, more than 54 million people on Tmall platform bought yoga equipment, most of them women; in skateboarding, baseball, softball and other "Olympic pentathlon" sports, female users also participate and participate actively.

In terms of sports consumption, young people in small towns are also emerging as a new force. Data show that the top 10 cities in Tmall's sports consumption are Zunyi, Quanzhou, Urumqi, Jinhua, Guiyang, Kunming, Beijing, Dongying, Zhangjiakou and Baotou, with cities below the third tier accounting for 40%.


In addition to regular sports such as running, basketball and football, minority sports are obviously more popular. In the past year, 51.5 million people have bought baseball equipment, 7.3 million people have bought ski equipment, and the consumption of rock climbing has increased by 32%.


Although their preferences for sports vary widely, young people are strikingly consistent in their need for selfies. After buying sports equipment, many people will go with selfie sticks, vlog cameras and beauty cameras and other selfie artifacts, but there can be no less ceremony.

Tmall wants 500 million people to participate in the Olympic fancy style. Hi.

At the press conference on the same day, Dong Benhong, chief marketing officer of BABA Group, announced a new plan for the Olympic Games: Taobao, Tmall, Aliyun, Youku, Flying Pig and other applications in the BABA ecosystem will work together. through watching, playing, buying and other colorful interactive games, lower the threshold for participation in the Olympic Games, in the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games, let 500 million Chinese people get high together, fancy to welcome the Olympic Games.

Among them, Tmall, who has a large number of active users, will become the preferred position for brand Olympic marketing and consumers to see, play and buy.

On the same day, Tmall announced that sports marketing would be comprehensively upgraded to Tmall's new vitality plan, and launched the nationwide interactive marketing IP--1 minute vitality challenge. At the beginning of the 100-day countdown to the Olympic Games, hundreds of Olympic stars of tens of thousands of brands were linked to launch a challenge to users throughout the network, activating consumers' enthusiasm to participate in the Olympic Games with innovative interactive forms.


In addition to interactive play, Tmall will also co-brand during the Olympic Games to create 100 exclusive Olympic fashion styles that consumers can play, see and buy, and also help brands usher in a new outbreak and growth in the Olympic year.

"as an official partner, Tmall has achieved good results in recent years by continuously popularizing sports culture and promoting national fitness awareness among Chinese consumers." Liu Bo said that just last year, Tmall helped the IOC open its official flagship store online, allowing more post-1995 and post-00s generation to get in touch with and understand the Olympic culture, which is also an important innovation around the world. "at present, Tmall has reached an in-depth marketing cooperation plan for the 2020 Olympic year with hundreds of top brands, and more brands will join the plan in the future."

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