

Ranking of Volume Change Rate (9:00) - Lion, Heiwado, and others ranked

Fisco Japan ·  Aug 8, 2024 08:44

In the volume change rate ranking, it is possible to understand the interests of market participants such as trends in stock selection by comparing the volume for the latest 5-day average with the volume on the day of distribution.

Top volume change rates [as of August 8th, 9:33].

(Comparison with the latest 5-day average volume)

Code Name Volume 5-day average volume Volume change rate Stock price change rate

<8114> Descente: 1,495,300, 107,185.08, 79.29%, 0%

<3776> Bloomingtawa: 3,583,800, 2,533,222.6, 50.68%, 0.1867%

<8276> Heiwa-dou: 336,200, 363,010.88, 14.91%, 0.0283%

<7707> PSS: 358,900, 562,309.1, 12.39%, 0.0594%

<8151> Toyo Tech: 93,900, 68,401.68, 11.33%, 0.1206%

<4881> Fanpep: 945,100, 120,477.38, 4.88%, 0.053%

<9067> Maru-ni: 256,700, 110,819.9, 0.96%, 0.0337%

<6779> Nichidenpa: 266,300, 116,909.36, -9.4%, -0.1061%

<3179> Shuppin: 206,800, 310,015.92, -10.51%, 0.0344%

<6740> JDI: 113,425,000, 302,026.7, -12.62%, 0%

<8167> Retail PT: 137,500, 2,387,959.52, -13.19%, -0.0078%

<4912> Lion: 1,590,400, 206,508.6, -14.71%, 0.0915%

<1397> SMDAM225: 12,286, 2,382,400.87, -20.04%, -0.0135%

<5991> Nippatsu: 427,900, 512,934.21, -20.39%, 0.141%

<6278> Union Tool: 75,000, 879,657.56, -20.49%, 0.0339%

<3431> Miyaji Engine: 131,200, 554,924, -27.66%, -0.0737%

<6507> Synfonia: 218,600, 711,697.7, -28.12%, 0.045%

<5535> Migaro HD: 362,500, 939,687.06, -28.46%, 0.2075%

<9078> Esline G: 41,100, 583,393.2, -28.61%, 0%

Stock code 8037, Kamei, with a current price of 33,900 yen, a market capitalization of 78,029.98 yen, a decrease of 28.64%, and a change of -0.0069%.

Stock code 7226, Kyokuto Kaihatsu Kogyo, with a current price of 90,300 yen, a market capitalization of 100,167.58 yen, a decrease of 29.78%, and a change of 0.0473%.

Stock code 4215, TAKIRON SEEI, with a current price of 1,070,000 yen, a market capitalization of 346,583.16 yen, a decrease of 30.16%, and a change of 0%.

Stock code 6997, Nippon Gases, with a current price of 331,900 yen, a market capitalization of 1,185,559.86 yen, a decrease of 30.65%, and a change of -0.0953%.

Stock code 2469, Hibino, with a current price of 32,100 yen, a market capitalization of 544,227.38 yen, a decrease of 33.16%, and a change of -0.0646%.

Stock code 6465, Hoshizaki Electric, with a current price of 588,100 yen, a market capitalization of 104,968.18 yen, a decrease of 34.35%, and a change of -0.0843%.

Stock code 4092, Nihon Kayaku, with a current price of 133,000 yen, a market capitalization of 3,623,895.66 yen, a decrease of 34.8%, and a change of -0.01%.

Stock code 4970, TOYOBO, with a current price of 32,900 yen, a market capitalization of 517,914.46 yen, a decrease of 35.19%, and a change of -0.0153%.

Stock code 8918, LAND, with a current price of 60,544,600 yen, a market capitalization of 428,541.6 yen, a decrease of 36.06%, and a change of 0%.

Stock code 2568, Listed on NASDAQ, with a current price of 163,710 yen, a market capitalization of 876,671.3 yen, a decrease of 36.2%, and a change of -0.0302%.

Stock code 9622, Space, with a current price of 36,400 yen, a market capitalization of 1,058,515.61 yen, a decrease of 39.01%, and a change of -0.0058%.

The asterisk (*) indicates newly ranked stocks.

Those with a 20-day moving average trading volume of less than 50 million yen are excluded.

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