

Bezos was named the best business leader in ten years, followed by Jack Ma Musk

腾讯科技 ·  Dec 13, 2019 08:13

Revising Chengxi

After the death of Apple Inc's co-founder Steve Jobs, there are two tech entrepreneurs who are considered the most likely to be the next Jobs: Bezos, head of Amazon.Com Inc, and Musk, head of SpaceX and Tesla, Inc.. Amazon.Com Inc's business empire expansion has also made Bezos's industry prestige rise.

According to the latest news from foreign media, a recent poll of business executives shows that most financial executives of large companies around the world say that Jeff Bezos, founder and CEO of Amazon.Com Inc, is the best business leader in a decade.


According to foreign media reports, in a survey of the members of the "Global Council of CFOs" conducted by a US financial media, nearly 1/3 of CFOs selected Bezos as the business leader who impressed them most in the past decade.

Jack Ma, founder of Chinese e-commerce giant BABA, and Elon Musk, boss of Tesla, Inc., ranked second and third respectively in the survey.



Other best business leaders mentioned by CFOs include Microsoft Corp CEO Seth Nadella, Apple Inc CEO Tim Cook, and Warren Buffett, head of Berkshire Hathaway, an American investment firm. And Jamie Dimon, CEO of JPMorgan Chase & Co Bank of America.


Bezos first launched Amazon.Com Inc online bookstore in the mid-1990s. Amazon.Com Inc website is now the largest e-commerce platform in the world.

Under the leadership of Bezos, Amazon.Com Inc has carried out large-scale business diversification, entering various fields such as cloud computing, network video, online music, digital books, logistics express, consumer electronics hardware, original film and television shooting, artificial intelligence, and so on. Among them, Amazon.Com Inc has won half of the world cloud computing market share, becoming the undeniable industry leader.

In 2015, Amazon.Com Inc overtook Walmart Inc to become the largest retailer in the United States. In 2018, its sales were close to $233 billion. Bezos, who now has a personal fortune of $109 billion, surpassed Microsoft Corp co-founder Gates to become the world's richest man, according to the Forbes and Bloomberg Billionaires Index.

It is reported that the Global Council of Chief Financial officers surveyed includes the chief financial officers of some of the world's largest public or private companies, with a total market capitalization of up to $5 trillion.

As for other questions asked, nearly 71 per cent of respondents said they did not think the US economy would experience a recession in 2020. Nearly 1/3 (30.9%) of the chief financial officers surveyed predicted that the Federal Reserve (the central bank of the United States) would not lower or raise its benchmark interest rate in 2020, while another 36.4% of respondents thought the Fed might cut interest rates.

On the stock market, 55 per cent of US CFOs expect the Dow Jones Industrial average to rise above 29000, but 40 per cent of respondents believe the Dow will first fall below 24000. The remaining 5% said they were not sure.

It is worth mentioning that Bezos successfully founded and developed Amazon.Com Inc's business empire, and now he is developing his own private interest-space exploration. Bezos followed Musk's example in setting up a private rocket company, Blue Origin, which also recycled rockets, but it lagged significantly behind SpaceX in terms of technology and commercial applications.

Earlier, Amazon.Com Inc also said that it would enter the satellite broadband market and would deploy a large number of communications satellites to low orbit through Blue Origin to provide Internet access to the ground population. After the project was announced, Musk mocked Bezos for plagiarizing his own plan. At present, SpaceX's broadband satellite program has deployed more than a hundred satellites in orbit.

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