
汇隆新材(301057.SZ):控股股东、实际控制人增持期满 累计增持43.95万股

Huilong New Materials (301057.SZ): The controlling shareholder and actual controller have completed their shareholding period and have cumulatively increased their holdings by 0.4395 million shares.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Aug 7, 2024 16:43

As of the date of this announcement, Ms. Zhu Guoying has accumulated 439,500 shares of the company's stock through centralized bidding on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, accounting for 0.38% of the company's total share capital (the total share capital as of the date of this announcement is 117,390,438 shares, excluding 1,293,655 shares in the company's repurchase special account), with an increase amount of RMB 5,046,194.30 (excluding transaction fees), which has exceeded the lower limit of the planned increase. The implementation period of this increase plan has expired.

The implementation period of this increase plan has expired.

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