
近一个月69股创历史新高 医药明星股大幅回撤

In the past month, 69 stocks hit a record high and pharmaceutical star stocks retreated sharply

证券时报 ·  Dec 13, 2019 03:00

Chip concept stocks have once again become market stars, and many leading stocks have once again reached record highs. Among them, the stock price of GigaYi Innovation, which is one of the leading brothers, surged 5% yesterday and reached the 210 yuan mark. The stock price reached another record high.

Technology stocks, led by chip concept stocks, have become a record high concentration of individual stocks in the past month. The cumulative increase in the semiconductor index in the past month reached 21.37%, with the biggest increase in Shenwan's second-tier industry. At the same time, the index rose by 122.85% during the year, and also ranked first in the growth list.

Pharmaceutical, biological, and electronics industries

The most innovative high-value stocks

According to statistics from the Securities Times and Databao, after excluding sub-IPOs, there are a total of 69 individual stocks that have reached a record high in the past month. Judging from the nature of the industry, the two industries where whitehorse stocks are concentrated, pharmaceuticals, biology, and electronics, contributed the most number of individual stocks, reaching 22 and 15, respectively. Chemicals and food and beverage came in second place, with 6 individual stocks reaching record highs. In addition, industries such as machinery and equipment, computers, and building materials contribute a large number of individual stocks.

One of the leaders in the chemical industry, Wanhua Chemical became the only individual stock that just hit a record high yesterday. Two stocks, Opcom and Tongze Healthcare, have reached record highs more than 50 times this year. Wabu Biotech and Lixun Precision reached record highs 46 times and 43 times, respectively. In addition, individual stocks such as Well, Changchun Hi-Tech, and Gloria Ying all reached record highs more than 30 times this year.

Over half of the stocks reached record highs during the year

Double the increase

It is worth noting that among individual stocks that frequently hit record highs, there are also stocks that have slightly outperformed the market in gains. According to statistics from Databao, the Ninghai Expressway, which is one of the representatives of slow growth in the A-share market, has reached a record high 18 times this year, with a cumulative increase of only 16.86%. Most stocks that have recently reached record highs have had strong stock price trends during the year. The average increase of 69 individual stocks since this year has exceeded 149%, and more than half of the stocks that have reached record highs in the past month have doubled during the year.

Among them, Wanji Technology, which broke through a record high of 504.42% during the year on December 11, ranked first; 3 shares of Baoding Technology, Well Shares, and Rambler rose more than 400%; 32 stocks including Beijing Junzheng, Chengmai Technology, and Wingtai Technology doubled. With the exception of the Ningshai Expressway, which had a small increase, individual stocks such as Zhongju Hi-Tech, Shenzhen Expressway, and Putailai all rose less than 50% during the year.

Technology stocks continue to rise

There has been a pullback in pharmaceutical stocks

Recently, market stars are mainly concentrated among technology stocks led by the chip concept. Chip leaders such as Well Shares, Beijing Junzheng, and GigaYi Innovation all once again hit record highs yesterday, while technology stocks such as Wanji Technology and Rambler achieved their first historic breakthroughs in December.

Compared to the continued rise in technology stocks, the pharmaceutical sector has pulled back somewhat, while another major innovative sector is concentrated. According to the data, the pharmaceutical biological index has had a cumulative decline of 3.39% over the past month, ranking last in Shenwan's first-class industry growth list. There is no end to nothing, and pharmaceutical stocks that have recently reached a record high in the list have also seen a pullback.

Among them, the latest closing price of WuWu Biotech dropped nearly 24% from the highest price in history. A number of pharmaceutical star stocks, such as Zhenghai Biotech, Dabo Healthcare, and Jianfan Biotech, have pulled back more than 10%. Some individual food and beverage stocks, which also belong to the big consumer sector, have also recently shown a pullback. Zhongju Hi-Tech's latest closing price has plummeted nearly 21% from the highest price in history, and Shanxi Fenjiu has pulled back nearly 13%. The biggest pullback came from Fillinger. Before mid-November, the stock once reached a record high 20 times this year. The cumulative increase during the year was more than doubled. In less than a month, the stock price had already been cut short.

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