
大行评级|里昂:维持友邦保险和中国财险为首选股 内险股中偏爱中国平安

Credit Rating: Lyon maintains AIA and PICC P&C as top stock picks, prefers Ping An Insurance among mainland insurance companies.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Aug 6 15:26  · Ratings

On August 6th, Glonhoy released a report stating that the mainland regulatory agency lowered the upper limit of life insurance pricing rate by 50 basis points. The bank expects that the recent sales have recorded a moderate increase due to the impact of trading suspension, and believes that the impact belongs to long-term positive, which can reduce negative interest rate risks. This means that due to limited positive factors and investors' increasing attention to investment pressure, the stock price performs moderately. The bank maintains AIA and PICC P&C as its top picks for insurance stocks, and prefers China Pacific Insurance among mainland insurance companies, expressing a cautious view on China Taiping, China Life Insurance and New China Life Insurance.

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