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Five departments deepen the revitalization of the seed industry. Leading seed companies are expected to see accelerated market share growth. ·  Aug 5, 2024 20:11

The People's Bank of China, the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission, the China Securities Regulatory Commission, the Ministry of Finance, and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs have issued a notice on learning and using the experience of the "Ten Million Project" and strengthening financial support for the comprehensive revitalization of rural areas. It proposes to deepen seed industry revitalization and agricultural technology financial services, support seed industry enterprises that meet the conditions to go public, list financing, and refinancing.

The People's Bank of China, the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission, the China Securities Regulatory Commission, the Ministry of Finance, and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs issued the "Notice on Carrying out the Special Action of Learning from the Experience of the "Million Project" and Strengthening Financial Support for Rural Revitalization", proposing to implement a special action to ensure food security through finance. Expand financial services for the entire industry chain including grain production, circulation, collection, and processing. Innovate the financing model of high-standard farmland and facility agriculture construction, deepen the revitalization of the seed industry and agricultural technology financial services, and support listed, listed and refinancing of eligible seed industry enterprises.

The seed industry is the "chip" of modern agriculture and the basis of national food security. Specifically, gene editing technology, whole genome selection, and synthetic biology are rapidly developing. Gene engineering and digital technology are deeply integrated, and intelligent, targeted, and designable breeding models are emerging, driving the rapid iteration of modern seed industry and having a revolutionary impact on agricultural production. According to the research report of China Merchants Securities, in the process of continuous improvement of transgenic penetration rate in the future, leading seed companies with core variety advantages are expected to see accelerated increase in market share.

According to the Financial Data Center, among related listed companies:

Yuan Longping High-Tech Agriculture occupies five seats in the top ten hybrid rice varieties in China, and the company's corn varieties occupy three seats in the top ten hybrid corn varieties in China, firmly establishing its leadership position in the domestic seed industry.

Shandong Denghai Seeds is the leader of the domestic hybrid corn seed industry, undertaking the construction of provincial-level enterprise key laboratories, mainly engaged in research and development of corn germplasm innovation, breeding of new varieties of super corn, and cultivation techniques for high-yielding corn.

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