

格隆汇 ·  Dec 11, 2019 21:55

Gelonghui December 11丨Evergreen Group (002616.SZ) It was announced that in order to expand into Southeast Asia and other overseas markets, the company plans to invest 30 million US dollars in Vietnam using its own capital and self-raised capital. The investment involved the establishment of Evergreen (Vietnam) Co., Ltd. (“Famous Chef Hong Kong”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company, to establish Evergreen (Vietnam) Co., Ltd. (“Evergreen Vietnam”), and authorized the chairman of the company's chairman or representative authorized in writing to sign relevant establishment and investment documents. The investment funds will mainly be used for the establishment of Changqing Vietnam and corresponding supporting investments, and subsequent investments will fulfill relevant approval procedures and information disclosure obligations according to actual business needs. This time, Famous Chef Hong Kong set up a wholly-owned subsidiary in Vietnam to better build and operate manufacturing bases in Vietnam, implement the company's manufacturing division of labor at home and abroad in an orderly manner, and ensure the continuous and stable development of the company's business.

Changqing (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.'s business scope: production and processing of finished and semi-finished stoves, heaters, air conditioning fans, water heaters and their spare parts. Registered capital: 6 million US dollars, 100% investment ratio of famous chefs in Hong Kong.

The company's investment in the construction of a gas appliance production base in Vietnam is in line with the country's “Belt and Road” strategic direction, in line with the company's strategic development plan, which is conducive to avoiding the risk of international trade friction, helping to fully explore the international market, better meet international market needs, enhance the company's profitability and competitive strength, provide support for the company's sustainable and healthy development, help the company consolidate and enhance its market position in the industry, and lay a good foundation for the company's future development. This investment does not harm the legitimate interests of the company and shareholders. In the long run, it has a positive impact on the company's development and conforms to the interests of all shareholders.

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