In the volume change rate ranking, it is possible to understand the interests of market participants such as trends in stock selection by comparing the volume for the latest 5-day average with the volume on the day of distribution.
Top volume change rate [as of 9:33 AM on August 5th]
(Comparison with the latest 5-day average volume)
Code Name Volume 5-day average volume Volume change rate Stock price change rate
<7709> KuboTech 680,200 107,185.08 336.85% 0.05%
<2093> US bonds 02La 5,770 4,731.42 325.24% -0.02%
<6380> Orichien 400 1,074.692 297.69% -0.0098%
<5126> Porters 27,700 38.58 238.67% -0.0769%
<7531> Seiwa Chuo 1,300 5,286.76 238.51% -0.0364%
<2248> iF500H You 7,904 197.7 214.52% -0.0212%
<1326> SPDR Gold 54,770 36,883.378 208.06% -0.0394%
<4416> TrueData 33,400 305,238.456 207.75% -0.089%
<2841> iF Nasdaq 100H 31,958 1,911.34 188.35% -0.0237%
<2512> NF Foreign Debt He 38,940 66,845.557 163.84% 0.0077%
<2251> JGB Double 80,050 7,770.432 160.04% -0.0269%
<5724> Asaka Riken 41,200 13,620.21 135.85% -0.1259%
<7087> Will Tech 13,500 10,248 132.53% -0.04%
<7859> Almadio 1,640,100 2,905.42 131.31% 0.1179%
<9408> BSN Media 1,300 155,954.8 128.5% 0.01%
<6336> Ishii Hyoki 32,000 564.4 128.15% -0.0735%
<4673> Kawasaki Chishitsu 4,800 4,502.58 126.61% -0.1552%
<5576> Orbisysテク 16,700 3,014.24 126.56% -0.0587%
<2411> Gendai AG 33,500 8,760.24 125.91% -0.0241%
<6998> Day Tungsten 17100 4595.98 122.68% -0.0344%
<2599> Japan F 50100 5871.32 121.68% 0%
<3113> UNIVAOak 286600 32937.54 115.92% 0.0689%
<6721> Win Test 490000 8050.36 110.74% -0.15%
<94345> Softbank 1 P 11703 1210686% 1.1005%
<6307> Sansei 28500 6600 104.57% -0.0645%
<9162> Bleach 64400 3630.4 95.73% -0.1092%
<7719> Tokyo Hokei 54500 6259.72 94.28% -0.1055%
<3777> Environmental Friends 1619400 4082.64 89.55% -0.125%
<2633> NFS&P500 2123100 17601.9 89.39% -0.0437%
<1397> SMDAM225 16501 326225.484 88.09% -0.0495%
The asterisk (*) indicates newly ranked stocks.
Those with a 20-day moving average trading volume of less than 50 million yen are excluded.
Reason For Report