

Volume change rate ranking (14:00) - One225, Spider Plus and others ranked.

Fisco Japan ·  Aug 2 14:11

In the volume change rate ranking, it is possible to understand the interests of market participants such as trends in stock selection by comparing the volume for the latest 5-day average with the volume on the day of distribution.

Top changes in volume rate [as of August 2, 14:32].

(Comparison with the latest 5-day average volume)

Code Name Volume 5-day average volume Volume change rate Stock price change rate

<1369> One225 99101 174,861.548 322.71% -0.0505%

<1308> Listed TPX 9,762,992 1,793,232.864 276.23% -0.0533%

<2525> NZAM225 36,218 221,482.33 258.91% -0.0656%

<163A> Semiconductors 39,688 54,394.718 226.29% -0.0773%

<4192> Spider P 483,900 30,017.56 217.43% -0.1345%

<6632> JVCKW 7,122,500 1,100,695.46 204.85% 0.1744%

<7162> Astomax 5,624,300 221,745.12 204.5% 0.1048%

<1591> NFJPX400 8,226 37,680.731 198.51% -0.0531%

<2556> One J Reit 272,430 77,476.253 197.48% -0.0144%

<2521> Listed American HE 149,080 50,963.044 191.17% -0.0277%

<2624> iF225 year 4 137,036 125,736.415 188.56% -0.0522%

<2641> GXG leader 57,305 125,305.231 187.32% -0.0558%

<2730> Edion 1,155,900 394,730.44 183.82% 0.0236%

<189A> D&M Company 114,300 20,544.58 180.02% -0.0871%

<2842> iF Na 100 Be 31,591 109,692.682 179.88% 0.0473%

<4080> Tanaka Kaken 346,500 58,930.38 179.01% -0.1316%

<6425> Universal Corp 1,944,700 545,083 177.43% -0.1172%

<1569> TPX-1 times 252,070 164,821.619 176.29% 0.0542%

<1904> Daisei Wen 53,800 51,707.1 170.34% -0.0437%

Company <4377> One Carrier has a sales volume of 118,200, with a growth rate of 168.86% and a decrease of -0.1114%.

Company <4414> Flect has a sales volume of 65,900, with a growth rate of 168.2% and a decrease of -0.0784%.

Company <8508> J-Trust has a sales volume of 1,420,800, with a growth rate of 167.04% and a decrease of -0.0868%.

Company <4374> RoboPay has a sales volume of 86,200, with a growth rate of 167.03% and a decrease of -0.1309%.

Company <9284> Canadian has a sales volume of 3,592, with a growth rate of 163.61% and a decrease of -0.0216%.

Company <4310> Deere & Co has a sales volume of 97,000, with a growth rate of 159.92% and a decrease of -0.0628%.

Company <2632> MXS Na100 has a sales volume of 76,121, with a growth rate of 152.72% and a decrease of -0.0463%.

Company <3264> Ascot has a sales volume of 297,300, with a growth rate of 151.49% and a decrease of -0.0787%.

Company <6199> Celac has a sales volume of 129,500, with a growth rate of 150.94% and a decrease of -0.1278%.

Company <4760> ALPHA has a sales volume of 11,800, with a growth rate of 149.77% and a decrease of -0.0467%.

Company <5304> SEC Carbon has a sales volume of 113,800, with a growth rate of 148.93% and a decrease of -0.0745%.

The asterisk (*) indicates newly ranked stocks.

Those with a 20-day moving average trading volume of less than 50 million yen are excluded.

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