
交银国际:下调信义能源(03868)目标价至1港元 维持“中性”评级

Bocom International has lowered the target price of Xinyi Energy (03868) to HKD 1 and maintained a "neutral" rating.

Zhitong Finance ·  Aug 2, 2024 11:05  · Ratings

Bocom Intl announced that the decline in their performance was primarily due to an increase in abandonment rate, market electricity proportion, and income tax rate.

According to the report released by Bocom Intl on the Zhitong Finance APP, Xinyi Energy's target price has been slightly lowered by 13.8% from HKD 1.16 to HKD 1 per share. The profit forecasts for 2024-2026 have been decreased by 27%, 27%, and 29% respectively. The company's "neutral" rating has been maintained by the bank.

The bank pointed out that the company's net profit attributable to the parent in the first half of the year was HKD 0.395 billion, a year-on-year decrease of 30.4%, which was in the middle of the expected range, but lower than the bank's expectations. The decline in performance was mainly due to an increase in abandonment rate, market electricity proportion, and income tax rate. Due to the decrease in revenue from existing projects, the gross margin decreased by 6 percentage points to 64.2%.

In June, the National Energy Administration lowered the target for new energy utilization rate from 95% to 90%, while the mainland's photovoltaic newly installed capacity increased by 31% year-on-year in the first half of the year. The bank predicts that there is still a risk of a continued decline in revenue from existing projects.

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