
Aoxin Q & M Anticipates Rebound in H1 2024

Singapore Business Review ·  Aug 1, 2024 15:01

The company reported a net loss of $210m in H1 2023.

Aoxin Q & M Dental Group said it anticipates its January to June (H1 2024) net earnings to improve on a year-on-year basis, compared to the net loss recorded last year.

The rebound is heavily influenced by "the increase in revenue generated from primary healthcare and laboratory services as well as a general reduction in expenses."

In the preceding half year, the company narrowed its net loss to $210,000 (CNY1.15m).

The profit guidance follows a preliminary review of the company's unaudited financial results for H1 2024. Full details will be disclosed on or before 14 August.

($1.00 = CNY5.41)

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