
荣丰集团亚洲(08526)发盈喜 预期中期业绩同比扭亏为盈至约200万-300万港元

Wing Fung Group Asia (08526) announces positive profit, expecting midterm performance to turn around from loss to profit of about 2-3 million Hong Kong dollars.

Zhitong Finance ·  Jul 31 20:12

Wing Fung Group Asia (08526) announced that the group is expected to achieve a net profit of about 2 million-30 million Hong Kong dollars in the first half of 2024...

Rongfeng Group Asia (08526) announced that it is expected to achieve a net profit of about 2 million-3 million Hong Kong dollars in the first half of 2024, while the net loss in the same period in 2023 was about 1.3 million Hong Kong dollars. The expected turn from loss to profit is mainly due to the increase in revenue and better cost control during the relevant period. The overall impact brings higher gross profit and gross margin.

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