
浙江联合投资(08366)公布年度业绩 净亏损34.9万港元 同比减少88.65%

zj united inv (08366) announced its annual performance with a net loss of HKD 0.349 million, a decrease of 88.65% year-on-year.

Zhitong Finance ·  Jul 31, 2024 18:24

ZJ United Inv (08366) announced its annual results for the year ending April 30, 2024, with revenue of approximately 3...

According to the Zhì tōng cǎi jīng APP, ZJ United Inv (08366) announced its annual results for the year ending April 30, 2024, with revenue of approximately 0.302 billion HKD, up 51.68% YoY. Net loss was reduced by 88.65% to 0.349 million HKD, with a basic loss per share of approximately 0.02 HK cents.

The announcement stated that the reduction in net loss was mainly due to an increase in gross profit and a reduction in administrative expenses.

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