
首届TMEA腾讯音乐娱乐盛典落幕 颁布六大类音乐奖项

腾讯新闻 ·  Dec 9, 2019 17:04

Original title: The first TMEA Tencent Music and Entertainment Festival ends and six categories of music awards are announced Source: Tencent News

Rene Nei, author of Tencent News

Production | · Tencent Xiaoman Studio

On December 8, Tencent Music Entertainment Group held the 2019 TMEA Tencent Music Entertainment Festival in Macau, China on the first anniversary of its listing. Tang Daosheng, senior executive vice president of Tencent, president of the Cloud and Smart Industry Group, Chairman of Tencent Music Entertainment Group, and Peng Jiaxin, CEO of Tencent Music Entertainment Group, attended the ceremony. Musicians including BOY STORY, CORSAK, Chen Linong, Chen Qingnian, Chen Xuening, Bother the Band, Fang Datong, Feng Timo, G.E.M., Deng Ziqi, Jiao Maiqi, Mao Yanqi, Mao Yanqi VAVA, Rocket Girl 101, Meng Meiqi, Modern Brothers Liu Yuning, R1SE, Uesugi Noboru, SING Girls, Times Boys, Supper Moment, TFBOYS, Westlife, Xue Zhiqian, Zhang Liangying, and Zhang Yixing received awards and performed live.

The 2019 TMEA Tencent Music and Entertainment Festival presented the 2019 TMEA Most Popular Award of the Year, the Best Seller of the Year Award, the New Music Force of the Year Award, the Top Ten Golden Song Awards of the Year, and the four major music platforms under Tencent Music Entertainment Group (QQ Music, Kuwo Music, Kugou Music, and K-Song for All).

Tang Daosheng, chairman of Tencent Music Entertainment Group, said that Tencent Music Entertainment Group hopes to use a ceremonial approach to record this era of continuous development and change, as well as the musicians, musical works, and heroes behind the scenes who continuously promote the development of the times.


The theme of this event was “IT'S T1ME FOR MUSIC,” and Tencent Music Entertainment Group CEO Peng Jiaxin said, “'1' represents 'one yuan restart'. We hope TMEA can bring 'all the renewal of the world' to the Chinese music industry.”

According to reports, the 2019 TMEA Tencent Music and Entertainment Festival brought together more than 20 top musicians from home and abroad to create exciting and diverse performances tailored for the TMEA stage. The festival also invited world-class behind-the-scenes teams to create a hardcore stage with a sense of technology and rhythm for the festival. Through the design concept of “diversity crossing borders, breaking barriers and integration”, the festival showcased the power and value of music across the square stage, and unlocked a new audiovisual experience for online and offline audiences.

Electronics, pop, national trends, rap, rock... The 2019 TMEA Tencent Music and Entertainment Festival brings together different music genres on one stage. The merger and inclusion of various styles of music is an expression of Tencent Music Entertainment Group's concept of “integration across borders, breaking barriers and sharing a common voice”.

TFBOYS sang “First Confession” and “My Friend” together, which became one of the highlights of the evening's festival.


The “Best Mainland Male Singer of the Year” at the 2019 TMEA Tencent Music and Entertainment Festival was finally won by Xue Zhiqian. On the three major music platforms of QQ Music, Kugou Music, and Kuwo Music, Xue Zhiqian's long-term “domination of the screen” singer's popularity rankings, he used music to give back to fans and proved herself with her strength; while “Starway · Best Mainland Female Singer of the Year” was won by Zhang Liangying, she also showed fans her multifaceted nature during the year. Her experiments with anime OST, and cross-border opportunities in game music created extraordinary opportunities。

The “Best Group of the Year”, “Best Hong Kong and Taiwan Female Singer of the Year”, “Best Group Album of the Year”, and “Best OST Album of the Year” were also won by TFBOYS, G.E.M., Deng Ziqi, and R1SE's “About to Explode Loud” and “Chen Qingling Guofeng Music Album” respectively. The winners of each award have achieved outstanding musical results that can be seen by all.


The “Best Seller of the Year Award” is based solely on the sales data of the three major platforms under Tencent Music Entertainment Group as the criteria for judging, and using data as a standard. Zhang Yixing won the “Best Selling Digital Album of the Year” with “No Dreams Falling in the Rainforest/NAMANANA”, and Chen Linong won the “Best Selling Digital Single of the Year” with “Half Me”. The “Best Seller of the Year Award” is a high recognition of these musicians who continue to promote the legalization of the Chinese music market.

Peng Jiaxin, CEO of Tencent Music Entertainment Group, said that the TMEA Tencent Music Entertainment Festival hopes to continue to write content worth recording in the history of the development of Chinese music culture through the accumulation of time. “We hope that through the TMEA platform, we will build an international bridge that unleashes cultural appeal and market value for Chinese music, so that the industry can benefit, musicians, and, ultimately, viewers.”

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