

Ranking of volume change rate (13:00) - Metarial, Genki Sushi, etc. ranked

Fisco Japan ·  Jul 31 12:46

In the volume change rate ranking, it is possible to understand the interests of market participants such as trends in stock selection by comparing the volume for the latest 5-day average with the volume on the day of distribution.

Top volume change rate [as of 7/31 13:32]

(Comparison with the latest 5-day average volume)

Code⇒Company Name⇒Trade Volume⇒5-day Average Trade Volume⇒Volume Change Ratio⇒Stock Price Change Ratio

<7283> Aisankogyo 1489400 195561.84 266.12% 0.17%

<3911> Aiming 2353600 60144.88 264.75% 0.1145%

<6182> Material 434200 69895.98 224.61% 0.0334%

<6413> Ideal Science 122300 51940.5 217.27% 0.1427%

<3104> Fuji BHP HD 197600 173288.3 196.77% 0.1527%

<2127> Japan M&A 12563900 1652654.038 181.37% -0.171%

<9828> Genki Sushi 454000 311884.8 171.27% 0.1283%

<6823> Lion 149400 77291.14 165.57% -0.1088%

<4498> CyberTrust 87700 42533.84 141.82% -0.0118%

<9533> Japan Gas 702100 775442.26 136.90% 0.1171%

<4461> Iko Pharmaceuticals 240600 193156.2 135.34% -0.1153%

<6419> Maas GHD 600200 658014.6 131.33% 0.0054%

<7600> Japan MDM 254200 106326.42 130.79% 0.0751%

<4175> coly 16200 7025.74 125.92% 0.0271%

<6455> Morita HD 159500 101134.46 118.89% 0.0824%

<6196> Strike 430900 575670 118.23% -0.0625%

<3793> doricom 613800 142183.5 117.22% 0.09%

<3388> Meiji Electric 114300 55394.18 115.27% -0.1176%

<3636> Mitsubishi Research Institute 73500 116824.6 113.05% -0.0685%

Yamaichi Electric Co., Ltd. (6516) with a stock price of 132,000 yen and a trading volume of 315,616 shares, increased by 110.20%, down by 0.0426%.

Topcon Corporation (7732) with a stock price of 1,440,700 yen and a trading volume of 824,387.8 shares, increased by 103.37%, down by 0.1241%.

Shikoku Electric Power Co., Inc. (9507) with a stock price of 1,563,400 yen and a trading volume of 743,654.01 shares, increased by 101.24%, up by 0.0229%.

Saga Bank, Ltd. (8395) with a stock price of 60,300 yen and a trading volume of 56,285.12 shares, increased by 101.08%, up by 0.0544%.

The asterisk (*) indicates newly ranked stocks.

Those with a 20-day moving average trading volume of less than 50 million yen are excluded.

The translation is provided by third-party software.

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