
每日期权追踪 | 芯片股波动将至?英伟达、AMD隐含波动率飙升;多头坚定看好!特斯拉call单暴赚2倍以上

Daily options update | Will chip stock volatility surge? Nvidia and AMD's implied volatility soared; bulls remain bullish! Tesla call orders made over twice as much profit.

Futu News ·  Jul 30 16:51

Key focus.

1. Chip stocks were once again sluggish overnight,$NVIDIA (NVDA.US)$It fell more than 1% overnight, and implied volatility has risen for many days in a row, reaching 96% of the percentile level for the year. The call with the highest trading volume yesterday was the one with a strike price of 115 and 120 dollars that expires on Friday, with transaction volumes of 0.12 million and 0.09 million, respectively. The open interest was about 0.03 million and 0.05 million respectively.

$Advanced Micro Devices (AMD.US)$The implied volatility is at its highest level in a year, indicating that investors expect the stock price to fluctuate significantly in the future, and the call-to-option ratio was close to 70% yesterday. In terms of large-volume transactions, the dispute between long and short positions is more intense. Large customers bought two tranches of puts with a strike price of 145 dollars and an expiry date of September 20th, with a total amount of over 5 million dollars; on the other hand, calls with a strike price of 160 dollars and an expiry date of August 16th were also targeted by large-volume purchases, with an involved amount of nearly 3 million dollars.

At the SIGGRAPH 2024 computer graphics conference held in Denver, Nvidia announced a series of updates to its software products aimed at making generative AI easier to use for a wider range of businesses. The company officially launched Nvidia Inference Micro Services (NIMs), a software package that addresses many of the logistical issues around using AI for specific purposes. In addition, CEO Huang Renxun revealed that Nvidia sent samples of the Blackwell architecture this week, which is the first new chip architecture to be introduced this year.

2,$Tesla (TSLA.US)$It rose nearly 6% overnight, and the ratio of call-to-option skyrocketed to 57%. The call with the highest trading volume yesterday was the one with a strike price of 230 and 240 dollars that expires on Friday, with transaction volumes of more than 0.112 million and 0.092 million, respectively. The option premiums for these two call options also rose significantly, earning more than twice the value.

Adam Jonas, a well-known automotive analyst at Morgan Stanley and a bull on Tesla, released his latest research report on Monday, reiterating his buy rating and target price of $310 on Tesla's stock. Tesla is leading the list of American automakers on Morgan Stanley's list, with Ford coming in second.

Jonas emphasized that as demand predictions for electric vehicles have declined, Tesla is reducing its resources investment in its automotive business. Cost-cutting measures and restructuring efforts have mitigated the downside risk of Tesla's electric vehicle business and gained a dominant position in the zero-emission vehicle credit market.

3,$SoFi Technologies (SOFI.US)$The performance will be announced in pre-market trading today, and the volume of pre-performance options has surged, up more than three times from the previous trading day. However, the ratio of call options to put options has fallen to 48%, which was 72% the previous day; the put orders for $7 and $6 with expiry on Friday have the highest trading volume.

1. US stock options trading list

2. ETF options trading list.

3. Individual stock implied volatility (IV) ranking.

Risk warning

Options are contracts that give the holder the right to buy or sell an asset at a fixed price on or before a specific date, without any obligation. The price of an option is influenced by various factors, including the current price of the underlying asset, exercise price, expiration time and implied volatility.

Implied volatility reflects the market's expectation for the future volatility of an option, and it is a signal of market sentiment derived from the option pricing model called Black-Scholes (BS). When investors expect greater volatility, they may be willing to pay a higher premium for an option to help hedge risks, thus resulting in a higher implied volatility.

Traders and investors use implied volatility to assess the attractiveness of option prices, identify potential mispricing, and manage risk exposure.


This content does not constitute an offer, solicitation, recommendation, opinion, or guarantee of any securities, financial products or instruments. The loss risk of buying and selling options could be substantial. In certain circumstances, you may suffer losses exceeding the amount initially deposited as margin. Even if you set up backup instructions, such as stop loss or limit instructions, losses may not be avoided. Market conditions may render such orders impossible to execute. You may be required to deposit additional margin in a very short period of time. If the required amount cannot be provided within the specified time, your open contracts may be closed. However, you are still responsible for any shortfalls in your account arising from this. Therefore, before buying or selling, you should research and understand the options, and consider carefully whether such trading is suitable for you based on your financial situation and investment objectives. If you buy or sell options, you should be familiar with the exercise of options and the procedures at expiration, as well as your rights and obligations when exercising an option or at expiration.


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