
数据显示上半年海外手游收入延续增长 网易等游戏股逆势走强

Data shows that overseas mobile game revenue continued to grow in the first half of the year, with game stocks such as Netease performing well against the trend. ·  Jul 30 12:14

How did China's mobile game revenue perform in the first half of the year? What should be paid attention to in ChinaJoy, which ended yesterday?

On July 30, according to Cailian News, the Hong Kong stocks of gaming companies were mostly under pressure today, but some individual stocks still rose. As of the time of drafting, idreamsky (01119.HK), NetEase-S (09999.HK), bilibili-SW (09626.HK), and IGG ( rose by 3.03%, 1.56%, 0.9%, and 0.37%, respectively.

Note: The performance of gaming stocks

In terms of news, according to SensorTower data, overseas mobile game revenue continued the growth trend of the second half of 2023 in the first half of 2024, and the combined revenue from App Store and Google Play channels increased by 6% year-on-year to reach $32.5 billion. The overseas mobile game revenue on the App Store platform increased by 11% year-on-year.

During the period from the second half of 2023 to the first half of 2024, the total revenue of Top300 mobile games going abroad to China reached 15.4 billion US dollars, of which the revenue of Top30 mobile games going abroad exceeded 0.1 billion US dollars, and the total revenue reached 8.5 billion US dollars, accounting for 56% of the total overseas revenue of Top300 mobile games going abroad.

At the same time, the domestic gaming market has also experienced steady growth. According to data from the Game Committee, the total revenue of the domestic gaming market in the first quarter of this year was 147.267 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 2.08% (a year-on-year increase of 13.95% in 2023, and a decrease of 2.39% in 23H1); A total of 689 game approvals were issued in 24H1, a year-on-year increase of 32%. The policies related to the gaming industry are stabilizing. Huatai Securities pointed out that the key new games include Dungeon and Fighter: Origin, Set Off, Muffin, and other outstanding revenue performers.

The number of visitors to ChinaJoy 2024 reached a record high.

In addition to SensorTower indicating that overseas mobile game revenue continued the growth trend of the second half of 2023, the number of visitors to ChinaJoy 2024 announced yesterday reached 0.367 million, a record high.

ChinaJoy, the China Digital Entertainment Expo and Conference, is one of the most well-known and influential annual events in the global digital entertainment industry. It brings together popular fields of multiple digital entertainment industries, including games, animation, internet film and television, internet music, online literature, esports, trendy toys, as well as smart entertainment software and hardware. In addition, the exhibition serves as an important indicator for the digital entertainment industry.

According to reports, Blizzard Games became one of the most eye-catching exhibitors at ChinaJoy this year. Large numbers of visitors rushed to the Blizzard booth every day, and the booth was closed for queuing in less than an hour.

In addition, the report also pointed out that going global and AI are still hot topics among gaming industry insiders at this year's ChinaJoy. But unlike last year, the focus of attention this year is on how to take root locally, operate with precision, and develop emerging markets when going global. And the discussion of AI and games has shifted from cost reduction and efficiency improvement to how to achieve breakthroughs in gameplay.

The translation is provided by third-party software.

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