
一图前瞻 | 亚马逊业绩来袭!AWS业务重点关注增长率,Prime Day或为零售业务带来新动力

One-picture preview | Amazon's performance is coming! AWS business focuses on growth rate, Prime Day may bring new impetus to retail business

Futu News ·  17:45

$Amazon (AMZN.US)$US stock results will be announced after the market on Thursday, August 1, EST. Agencies generally expect Amazon to achieve revenue of 148.595 billion US dollars in Q2, up 10.58% year on year; earnings per share of 1.02 US dollars, up 57.63% year on year.

This year, Amazon's overall stock price showed a volatile upward trend and hit a record high of 201.2 dollars in the intraday session on July 8. However, as macro adverse factors increased in late July, Amazon's stock price retraced about 8% from its high point, and the cumulative increase during the year narrowed to 20%.

Looking ahead to this quarter's results, investors will focus mainly on the specific situation of the retail business and AWS business. Additionally, investors will also be concerned about whether Amazon's cash reserves will be used to enhance return on capital.

Prime Day may bring new impetus to Amazon's retail business

Although AWS is Amazon's most profitable division, the retail business is still a major contributor to the company's sales. According to Bloomberg, Amazon's online store revenue in 2023 accounted for 40.3% of the company's total revenue, while 24.4% of revenue came from commissions and other services provided to third-party sellers listing products on the Amazon site.

Amazon's recent revenue forecast is weak, reflecting the market's cautious attitude towards e-commerce businesses, especially when retail data is unsatisfactory. However, people are optimistic that Prime Day will ease these concerns, and Amazon's new AI shopping assistant will give the company more momentum.

Doug Anmuth, an analyst at J.P. Morgan Chase, said, “Prime Day will push consumers to return to school/college shopping early during periods when the retail calendar is less clear, and the financial benefits far exceed the two-day event period.” He emphasized that this will have a positive impact on Amazon's advertising business and membership trends.

J.P. Morgan predicts that the total commodity transaction volume (GMV) for this event will reach $12.4 billion, an increase of 12% year over year, and total net retail sales will reach 7.9 billion US dollars. It is estimated that $5.8 billion of this is revenue that Amazon would not have been able to generate without Prime Day.

Precisely because of this growth rate and growing market share in the e-commerce sector, J.P. Morgan last month predicted that Amazon would surpass Walmart this year and become the largest retailer in the US.

During the conference call after the announcement of the earnings report, traders may seek information on the expected financial impact of Amazon's Prime Day activities, which may be included in the third quarter results guidance.

AWS business focuses on growth rate

Amazon's AWS business, which is Amazon's main profit driver, will continue to be the focus of investors' attention. In 2023, AWS accounted for two-thirds of Amazon's $37 billion operating income (operating income), while accounting for 16% of the company's total revenue.

Amazon is currently the largest enterprise cloud service provider, but competitors such as Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform are competing to increase artificial intelligence products to gain more market share. Therefore, in Amazon's Q2 performance, the growth rate of AWS will receive close attention from investors.

According to Bloomberg's forecast, Amazon's AWS business revenue for Q2 2024 was 25.975 billion US dollars, an increase of 17.32% over the previous year. Morgan Stanley believes that Amazon's AWS revenue needs to increase at least 18% year over year to show a certain growth momentum and establish AWS's generative artificial intelligence position in the minds of investors and its ability to achieve rapid growth during a period of large capital expenditure investments.

Meanwhile, Amazon's AWS business welcomed a new head, and Matt Garman officially took over as AWS CEO on June 3.

After taking over as CEO of AWS, Garman will face a series of challenges and opportunities. First, he needs to continue to maintain AWS's leading position in the cloud computing field in the AI era. With the rapid development of artificial intelligence technology, cloud computing has become an important infrastructure for AI applications. Garman needs to lead AWS's continuous innovation to meet customer needs for high-performance, reliable, and secure AI services.

Second, Garman needed to deal with the difficulties AWS has experienced over the past two years. The growth rate of the cloud sector fell to a record low as companies began cutting technology spending after spending increased during the pandemic.

In addition, AWS also lags behind competitors such as Microsoft and Google in commercializing next-generation AI services.

To catch up, AWS has taken a range of steps, including investing billions of dollars in Anthropic, developing its own tools to compete with ChatGPT, and partnering with other companies to support AI services through its servers.

Growing cash reserves create conditions for increased shareholder returns

In 2023, Amazon generated 32.2 billion US dollars of free cash flow, and cash reserves exceeded 86 billion US dollars; according to data compiled by Bloomberg, analysts expect Amazon's free cash flow to grow to 61.2 billion US dollars in 2024, and cash reserves will exceed 100 billion US dollars. For Amazon, like other large companies, this provides unprecedented favorable conditions for dividends to shareholders.

Although Amazon may not necessarily announce this news when announcing Q2 results, many analysts, including Ami Asset Management investment manager Andrew Zamfotis, believe that dividends will occur in the next few quarters.

A company spokesperson pointed out that during last quarter's conference call, Chief Financial Officer Brian Olsavsky said Amazon will continue to prioritize capital expenditure and debt repayment over capital return. But as free cash flow is expected to nearly double this year, many investors think Amazon can start doing more for shareholders. Increasing repurchases is one way, but there are also speculations that Amazon will pay dividends for the first time, especially as other tech giants have recently done the same.

How did the stock price perform on previous earnings days?

According to Market Chameleon, after backtesting the past 12 quarterly results days, the probability of Amazon rising and falling on the day of the results release was equal, at 50%. The average change in stock price was ± 7.7%, the maximum decline was -14.0%, and the maximum increase was +13.5%.

Currently, Amazon's implied change is ± 7.8%, indicating that the options market's single-day rise and fall rate after betting on its performance reached 7.8%; in comparison, Amazon's average post-performance stock price change in the first 4 quarters was ± 6.3%, indicating that the current option value of the stock is overvalued.

Judging from the bias in the volatility of options, market sentiment is bearish on Amazon.

Click to make an appointment:Amazon 2024Q2 results live broadcast (simultaneous interpretation)


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