
港股异动 | 加密货币ETF全线上涨 特朗普演讲力挺比特币 报道称哈里斯重启与加密行业接触

HK stocks fluctuate | Cryptocurrency ETFs are all rising, Trump's speech supports bitcoin, and reports say Harris is restarting contact with the crypto industry.

Zhitong Finance ·  Jul 29 11:02

The cryptocurrency etf rose across the board, as of press time, Huaxia Bitcoin (03042) rose 4.21%, to HKD 8.67; Jiashi Bitcoin (03439) rose 4.05%, to HKD 8.73; Boshi bitcoin (03008) rose 3.95%, to HKD 54.2.

According to the Intelligence Caijing app, the cryptocurrency etf rose across the board. As of press time, Huaxia Bitcoin (03042) rose 4.21%, to HKD 8.67; Jiashi Bitcoin (03439) rose 4.05%, to HKD 8.73; Boshi bitcoin (03008) rose 3.95%, to HKD 54.2; Huaxia Ether (03046) rose 3.03%, to HKD 8.16.

On the news front, former US President Trump recently attended the Bitcoin 2024 conference and delivered a keynote speech. At the conference, Trump announced that if he could return to the White House, he would ensure that the government retains 100% of its Bitcoin holdings and would list Bitcoin as a US strategic reserve asset. During his speech, Bitcoin experienced a V-shaped reversal, first falling by 1200 US dollars in the short term, breaking the $0.067 million US dollar mark; at the end of his speech, Bitcoin violently rebounded and recovered all its losses. Currently, Bitcoin has surpassed $0.069 million per coin.

In addition, according to reports, US Democratic presidential candidate Harris has been in contact with the US cryptocurrency industry to ease tensions between the Democratic Party and the crypto industry. This further highlights the importance of the crypto industry in this election, as Republican candidate Trump promises to list cryptocurrency as a US strategic reserve.

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