
MSCI ESG评级 顶级手套上调至A

MSCI ESG rating upgraded top glove to A.

Top Glove ·  Jul 27 00:07

Top Glove, the world's largest glove manufacturer (7113 on the main board of medical care), has been upgraded to an "A" rating in MSCI ESG, an improvement from last year's "BBB" rating and a new milestone in the company's sustainable development journey since its first participation in the rating in 2019.

Lim Cheong Yan, the director and manager of Top Glove, stated in a press release, "This achievement reflects our continuous commitment to sustainable development and corporate responsibility. It also proves our efforts in environmental and social governance (ESG) and provides reliable assessment and decision-making tools for investors."

Top Glove has continued to make significant progress in managing ESG risks, especially in the field of social practice. Since its first participation and "BB" rating in 2019, the group has been improving and was rated "A" in 2024.

Looking ahead, Top Glove is committed to strengthening the disclosure of talent retention plans in its sustainable development report to further enhance sustainable development practices.

The MSCI ESG rating measures a company's management of financial-related ESG risks and opportunities. The evaluation is based on publicly available information on ESG issues, and the highest rating is "AAA."

The MSCI ESG rating is a significant benchmark for evaluating a company's resilience to long-term and financially related ESG risks. Top Glove's improved rating shows the company's commitment to enhancing sustainable practices, social initiatives, and governance structures.

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