

Breaking market doubts! Obama couple supports Harris' campaign for President of the United States.

Golden10 Data ·  Jul 26 21:22

The Obamas may be waiting for the best time to showcase their rhetorical skills to campaign for Harris.

Former US President Obama and his wife Michelle endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris for President in a short video released by the Harris campaign team on Friday.

The 55-second video shows Harris walking backstage after an event, heading towards her motorcade, and answering a phone call on her cell phone. Michelle says, "I cannot be on the call without telling my girl Kamala how proud we are of her and how historical this is going to be."

Obama continues, "We are calling to tell you how unbelievably proud we are of you and Michelle and I will do everything we can to help you win this election and get into the Oval Office."

Obama's long-awaited endorsement dispels speculation that Harris may not receive the full support of the most popular couple in the Democratic Party political arena.

These questions arose because after US President Biden announced the end of his re-election campaign, Obama and his wife did not immediately support Harris, while the Clinton couple supported Harris as the Democratic presidential candidate from the beginning.

The Obama couple's endorsement came a few days after other Democratic leaders publicly supported Harris on July 21.

Earlier this week, US media reported that Obama had been in regular contact with Harris by phone and offered her advice on how to build her campaign team almost overnight, as well as how to use personnel, funding, and logistics from Biden's previous campaign team.

This summer and fall, the Obama couple is expected to help Harris "hit the road" to help inspire Democratic voters, many of whom are already enthusiastic about Harris. The couple is almost certain to have an important speaking role at the upcoming Democratic National Convention in Chicago.

Harris's campaign team's momentum in the first five days is almost unprecedented in modern politics.

Within 24 hours of Biden's withdrawal from the campaign, her campaign team and the Democratic Party raised $81 million. What may be more telling is that 500,000 donors donated to Harris's presidential campaign for the first time.

Harris also appears to have bridged the poll gap between Biden and former President Trump. In the New York Times poll average on Thursday night, she trailed Trump by only 1 percentage point.

The Obama couple's endorsement is also notable for the way the Harris campaign team chose. A semi-formal video of a private phone call between old friends is very different from the traditional way of endorsing presidential candidates.

Usually, these endorsements are made in letter form or tweeted and praise the candidate, but not this time.

Although not traditional, this phone video is consistent with the political style that the Harris campaign team is forming, which prioritizes interpersonal relationships and avoids extravagance.

The low-key packaging of such a high-value endorsement also indicates that these two powerful orators may be waiting for the best time to maximize their rhetorical skills.

Harris did not have a public event on Friday and is expected to travel to Georgia next week for campaign activities, where her candidacy could revive the prospects of Democratic voters.


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