
港股异动 | 心动公司(02400)再涨超4% 《心动小镇》表现亮眼 《麦芬》小游戏版本或提升游戏整体流水

Hong Kong stocks are moving abnormally | XD Inc (02400) rose more than 4% again, "XD Town" performed well and the game version of "Muffin" may increase the overall revenue of the game.

Zhitong Finance ·  Jul 26 15:16

Xd Inc. (02400) rose more than 4%, as of press time, it rose 3.99%, to HK$ 19.8, with a turnover of HK$ 54.4788 million.

According to the Wisdom Finance APP, XD Inc. (02400) rose more than 4%, as of press time, it rose 3.99%, to HK$ 19.8, with a turnover of HK$ 54.4788 million.

On the news front, Qimai data shows that XD Inc.'s "Township of Your Heart" continued to rank first on the iPhone game free list and rose to 45th on the best-seller list from July 19th to 21st. Taptap platform shows its download volume of 3.9 million and a rating of 8.7. In addition, "Let's Muffin Together" maintained the top 25 on the iOS bestseller list as of July 17th on the domestic service. Its total download volume exceeded 3 million on all platforms. On July 17th, the WeChat mini game version of "Let's Muffin Together" was launched.

Open Source Securities pointed out that《Town of Nostalgia》may experience a user climb during the early period of its launch. With the increase of active users, the revenue is expected to continue to climb. In addition, the target audience of《Town of Nostalgia》 is female and leisure players, which is different from TapTap's core users. It is expected to drive TapTap to break through and drive user growth.

The bank also stated that the placement of 《Let's Muffin》 and its game platform have high compatibility, and《Let's Muffin》is exclusively released on TapTap and has not yet been launched on other Android channels. The mini-game version is expected to cover more Android users and non-core players, further enhancing the overall revenue performance of the game. In addition, we look forward to the performance of 《Let's Muffin》in the Japanese and Korean markets in the future.

The translation is provided by third-party software.

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