
滙豐:近七成受訪者大部份時間在本港消費 將夥逾千個品牌推動本地消費

HSBC: Nearly 70% of respondents spend most of their time consuming in Hong Kong and will collaborate with over a thousand brands to promote local consumption.

AASTOCKS ·  Jul 26 08:47

HSBC announced yesterday (25th) that it has partnered with over a thousand local and international retail brands to create a bank customer discount network, providing over 10,000 local and overseas merchant discounts for all of its personal customers in Hong Kong.

Maxine Mak, head of wealth management and personal banking retail products in the Hong Kong market of HSBC, stated that the bank's credit card customers recorded a steady increase in local consumption in the first quarter of this year, indicating that Hong Kong's market is still thriving. By allowing investment clients to enjoy the majority of annual credit card discounts, it hopes to expand the customer base of its cooperative merchants, attracting more merchants to join and enabling the bank, merchants and customers to achieve a "win-win-win" situation.

HSBC also released survey results about Hong Kong people's consumption habits, revealing that 67% of the respondents mostly still consume locally, with 39% saying that their local consumption is on average 15% higher than before the pandemic. The survey also found that respondents took an average of 6.1 foreign trips last year. Among them, 48% of the respondents said they traveled more frequently than before the pandemic, and 59% said their travel spending was higher than before the pandemic.

From June 20th to 28th this year, HSBC conducted an online questionnaire survey and interviewed 1,032 Hong Kong citizens aged 18 to 64 about their habits and attitudes towards outbound travel and local consumption. (js/cy)


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