
市監局:持續關注內險業市場競爭狀況 加強民生領域反壟斷執法

City Supervision Bureau: Continuously monitoring the competitive situation in the domestic insurance market, strengthening anti-monopoly law enforcement in the people's livelihood field.

AASTOCKS ·  Jul 25 17:56

The State Administration for Market Regulation held the third anti-monopoly compliance lecture today (25th) in Beijing, providing anti-monopoly compliance lectures to the insurance industry. The Market Supervision Administration requires industry associations and relevant insurance companies to attach great importance to anti-monopoly compliance work, effectively fulfill their main responsibilities, strengthen internal compliance management, establish a sound anti-monopoly compliance system, and effectively prevent and stop monopolistic behaviors.

The bureau emphasizes that it will continue to pay attention to the competitive situation in the insurance industry, strengthen anti-monopoly law enforcement in the field of people's livelihood in accordance with the law, and promote the healthy development of the industry norms.

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