

China Cinda (01359.HK) is expected to see a 40% to 50% YoY drop in net profit for the first half of the year according to 'Yingjing'.

AASTOCKS ·  Jul 24, 2024 05:33

China Cinda (01359.HK) issued a profit warning, and it is expected that the net profit attributable to the company's shareholders for the six months ending on June 30, 2024, will decrease by about 40% to 50% compared to the same period in 2023.

The company explained that the decline in net profit was mainly due to the impact of changes in the market environment, and the decrease in bad debt asset income measured at amortized cost; and the impact of changes in the macroeconomic situation, the company increased provisions for credit risks to cope with the pressure on the quality of some financial assets held by the company that are measured at amortized cost. (js/u)


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